A special meeting of the Waldron School Board was held in the Central Office Building, Monday, September 21, 2020, at 4:30 p.m. Board members present were Tammye Sherrill, Clay Woodall, Angela Hunsucker, Mac Davis and Christi Johnston. Others present were Superintendent Daniel Fielding and Lisa Allen.
President Tammye Sherrill called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m.
A motion was made by Christi Johnston and seconded by Angela Hunsucker to approve the 2020-21 Budget. Motion carried 5-0.
A motion was made by Mac Davis and seconded by Clay Woodall to approve the Act 1120 5% Increase Resolution. Motion carried 5-0.
A motion was made by Mac Davis and seconded by Angela Hunsucker to adjourn. Motion carried 5-0.
Meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m.