I’ve been thinking for a while now how the introduction of social media has impacted society. It’s like everything, it can be used for the good, or it can be used alternatively.
I for one, think it has changed the way we interact. Not just the transmission of communication, but how we act, and the way we respond. I have seen things that made me question if one would actually respond equally in a face-to-face scenario.
One disadvantage to online communication is that you cannot hear the sender’s voice inflection. “Oh really” could be taken as a threat, a question or as a statement of excitement.
The old adage, “say what you mean, and mean what you say,” is a good one. Would the old timers who lived by that creed have ever dreamed that would no longer be good enough?
I think it puts some in a defense mindset. We live in a world where everyone is offended by something. So, we have two choices, stand by our convictions–the way we react and what we say, or tip toe around a society who is bound to find fault with something we say or do.
I’ve always worried that I may have said or done something to offend or hurt someone. Thats a pretty big liability in this business! I am so grateful to have such good friends and a supportive readership who know the heart and intent of both myself and Resident Press as a whole!