For the first time ever, the Scott County fair will host a Teen and Miss division pageant. The pageant itself adds an exciting element to the fair.
Pageant director, Kristen Atchley, along with the Scott County Fair board have worked to get it added to the state fair association. In addition to the pageant, there will be four other divisions ranging from 0-12 ages. Both Teen and Miss winners will have the opportunity to compete for the title of Arkansas State Fair Queen and Arkansas State Fair Jr. Queen in October at the state fair in Little Rock.
“We are thrilled to add this to our fair. This gives young women the encouragement they need to become a well-rounded individual. This will give them an opportunity to better themselves as they enter other aspects of their life” stated Atchley. The winner of the Miss division will receive scholarship money provided by Rich Mountain Community College.
Pageant will be held on Saturday, September 1st. Younger age groups begin at 10:00 am at the Waldron High School Auditorium. The cost to enter the pageant is $2 for everyone over the age of 5.
Scott County has had several sponsors including Alliance, Nook & Cranny, Avila Photography, I-Earn Fitness, and several other small businesses help make this a huge event for the young women involved in the pageant.