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Monday, September 16, 2024

Waldron School Board Meets

Arkansas River Valley Business Directory

The regular monthly meeting of the Waldron School Board was held in the Central Office Building Monday, May 13, 2024,at 6:00 p.m. Board members present were Stan Cottrell, Angela Hunsucker, Clay Woodall, Konnor McKay and Mac Davis.  Others present were Superintendent Daniel Fielding, Misty Owens, Darla Jeffery, Zack Taylor, Kim Solomon, Kristi Sigman, Tonya Cluck, Natalie Cadena, Toni Dozier and Cheyenne Smith.

President Woodall called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m.and welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Mr. Konnor McKay began the meeting with a word of prayer.

​Angela Hunsucker led the Pledge of Allegiance.

​ A motion was made by Mac Davis and seconded by Angela Hunsucker to approve the Consent Agenda items: A) Approval of the April 15th Minutes; B) Approve Financial Reports and Expenditures; C) Approve Purchase Orders for IXL Learning. Motion carried 5-0.

​A motion was made by Angela Hunsucker and seconded by Stan Cottrell to approve the STAR Autism Support, Inc. Curriculum and Links Curriculum.  Motion carried 5-0.​

​A motion was made by Stan Cottrell and seconded by Mac Davis to approve the 2 in-coming School Choice Applications.  Motion carried 5-0.

​A motion was made by Mac Davis and seconded by Angela Hunsucker to approve the 1 out-going School Choice Application.  Motion carried 5-0.

​A motion was made by Mac Davis and seconded by Angela Hunsucker to accept the resignation of Walter Embrey as Bus Driver as of the end of 2023-24 SY.  Motion carried 5-0.

​A motion was made by Stan Cottrell and seconded by Mac Davis to accept the resignation of Genesis (Ginger) Hobbs as WES Music Teacher for the 2023-24 SY.  Motion carried 5-0.

A motion was made by Konnor McKay and seconded by Angela Hunsucker to accept the resignations of Sherry Moore and Brayden Gilmore who decided not to sign their contract and declined the job for the 2024/25 SY.  Motion carried 5-0.

A motion was made by Mac Davis and seconded by Angela Hunsucker to accept the resignation of Randi Hickman as MS Assistant Principal for the 2023/24 SY.  Motion carried 5-0.

​A motion was made by Angela Hunsucker and seconded by Mac Davis to hire Doug Milholen as of May 14, 2024 as HS Teacher, Head Sr. High Football, Assistant Jr. High Football, Assistant 7th Grade Football and Powerlifting Coach.  Motion carried 5-0.

​A motion was made by Mac Davis and seconded by Konnor McKay to hire Jenny Diaz as ES Teacher for the 2024/25 Sy.  Motion carried 5-0.

​A motion was made by Angela Hunsucker and seconded by Stan Cottrell to hire Makhalee Mortimore as ES Teacher for the 2024/25 Sy.  Motion carried 5-0.

​A motion was made by Konnor McKay and seconded by Mac Davis to hire Amy Huffmaster as ES Paraprofessional for the 2024/25 Sy.  Motion carried 5-0.

A motion was made by Mac Davis and seconded by Angela Hunsucker to hire Cora Ozuna as ES Paraprofessional for the 2024/25 Sy.  Motion carried 5-0.

A motion was made by Mac Davis and seconded by Konnor McKay to hire Sarah Spradlin as HS Science Teacher for the 2024/25 Sy.  Motion carried 5-0.

​A motion was made by Stan Cottrell and seconded by Angela Hunsucker to hire Nancy Mondragon as HS Family and Consumer Science Teacher for the 2024/25 Sy.  Motion carried 5-0.

​A motion was made by Konnor McKay and seconded by Mac Davis to hire Rebecca Millard as ABC Paraprofessional for 2024/25 SY.  Motion carried 5-0.

​A motion was made by Mac Davis and seconded by Angela Hunsucker to hire Kelsie Taylor as ABC Teacher for the 2024/25 SY, providing she meets all licensure requirements.  Motion carried 5-0.

A motion was made by Konnor McKay and seconded by Mac Davis to rehire the Classified Staff (see attached lists) for the 2024/25 SY.  Motion carried 5-0.

​A motion was made by Stan Cottrell and seconded by Konnor McKay to adjourn.  Meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m.

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Tammy Teague
Tammy Teague
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