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Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Greenwood Parks Commission Meeting Minutes Considered: Include Splash Pad Update

Arkansas River Valley Business Directory

FOR MAY 28, 2024

The meeting was called to order by Parks Commission Chair Joel Goldstein at 4:00 p.m., roll
was called and members present were as follows: Cinda Bell, Jennifer Travis, Kay Headley,
Brandon Tate, and Otis Edwards; a quorum was present and City Clerk/Treasurer Sharla Derry
was present.
Approval of Minutes
Motion was made by Mr. Tate, seconded by Ms. Bell to approve the 04-16-24 regular meeting minutes as presented; motion passed unanimously.
Committee Reports

  1. Freedom Fest Committee – Mr. Craig stated that advertising is picking up and there are 89 craft
    vendors and 29 food vendors for the festival. Mr. Edwards asked about the vendor fee that would be charged to food vendors, and Ms. Derry indicated that charging the fee would be in conflict with City ordinance, but that it was expected that the 1% A&P tax be collected at the event; Mr. Craig stated that he was just trying to make everyone happy and it was determined that the Parks Commission would not address this matter due to it being an A&P tax matter; Mr. Craig said that he could mention this again to the A&P Commission at their next meeting in June.
  2. Trails Committee – Mr. Tate said there was nothing new to report at this time; next meeting in June.
  3. Tree & Plant Board – Ms. Bell said there is nothing to report as their meetings are quarterly; Mayor Kinslow commented that the failing Yoshino Cherry trees around town have been replaced with five new ones, along with a Gingko Biloba tree planted in addition.
    Agenda items to be added: Commissioner Cinda Bell asked that an item be added for a facilities and parks discussion; no objections to this addition were noted.
    Business Items
  4. Commissioner Cinda Bell – Facilities Discussion – Ms. Bell said that she has noticed a couple
    of things that need addressed, as far as maintenance at Bell Park, staining the outside of the pavilion building; hammock park shade; small pavilion staining; water fountain not turned on, and needed removal of old water fountain next to it; she expressed the importance of keeping the Parks up and said she was not sure that funds are currently available for this and there was discussion about room in the budget for these maintenance requests and it was requested that quotes for staining the main and small pavilions be obtained. Ms. Bell also mentioned that she has often been told that the rate for the main pavilion needs to be raised but that would not need to happen until it looks better. There was also the suggestion that weeds have overgrown the approach to the bridge at lake. Mr. Craig acknowledged these needs.

    Splash Pad Update by MAHG’s Travis Bartlett: Mr. Bartlett showed pictures and offered explanation on the status of the splash pad project and issues raised when encountering rock. He said in working through these with the engineers, they are brought up to new subgrade elevations and the contractor on the project also has the Westwood road project going and a lot of that project material can come over to the splash pad project for $2 per cubic yard. He said 286 yards of rock were encountered and now they are working through the numbers and are very optimistic at this point; he said that plans are to have this splash pad open by the end of the summer. Mr. Bartlett answered additional commissioner questions and there was discussion also about the splash pad access road and interest rate of the splash pad loan; no action was taken.
    Foundation Report
    Director’s Report
  • New disc golf course update
  • Boy Scout switchback trail update/might be finished by other scouts
  • Liberty Park Bridge update; will be a nice, covered bridge when complete
  • Bell Park trail paving project update
  • Michael Turner Scout Project kiosk at the lake to identify East Loop trail
  • Mountain Bike Trails on pause to see if money is freed up via change order
  • Trails Academy attendance update; seeing impact of NWA trails on community
  • Pavilion rental and movie night in park update
    Ms. Derry mentioned that the resolution adopted earlier in the year has a different interest rate listed as authorized than what has been discussed; Mr. Craig said that he would ask Farmers Bank to check the correct interest rate for the splash pad loan; Ms. Derry asked the Commission if whatever number is presented by Farmers Bank would be OK with the Commission in order to avoid another special meeting about it; there were no objections noted to any interest amount necessary to obtain the loan and Ms. Derry stated that it would be presented to the City Council for adjustment via a resolution.
    Mr. Edwards questioned whether or not additional personnel is needed for oversight on the Pavilion, to which Mr. Craig responded favorably but stated that he questioned whether or not the workload would justify that position; discussion continued on booking for the pavilion. Mayor Kinslow offered the services of the current part-time receptionist at City Hall to assist with pavilion booking duties.
    Adjournment: Motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Tate, seconded by Mrs. Travis; meeting
    adjourned at 5:12 p.m.
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Tammy Teague
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