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Friday, October 18, 2024

“Just Roll with It” Serving up Recipes and Humor

Arkansas River Valley Business Directory

By Sheri Hopkins

Hello everyone! Love, love this fall weather. I will have to get pumpkins for the kids to carve. It is always so much fun to see what they come up with. When I say kids, I mean my 19- and 21-year-old grandsons. They will do it to make me happy.

I always make jokes about getting married and having a prenup. I always ask Travis Plummer, the city attorney, if he has my prenup drew up because my man that is in the military lives overseas and may not be on the up and up. I hope y’all know I am kidding.

I have decided if I ever get married, the prenup will have to say that Sheri has to have chickens and little goats that wear pajamas and as many dogs as she wants. I bet there is not a man in a 100-mile radius that would sign that. Enough about crazy men, I am happy as a lark. In the words of my sister, “any woman wanting a husband, obviously hasn’t had one before.” I loved my husband, but I thought this was funny.

I was thinking about my high school days the other day and some of the funny stuff that went on. We had the sweetest teacher Mrs. Underwood. Y’all may have recently seen her on an episode of Wheel of Fortune. She won $11,000 dollars. This was our senior year, and she was expecting a baby. I am sure she was emotional. She had closed the windows, no A/C back in 1981, and pulled the shades for us to watch something. She left the room and said, “do not raise those blinds or open the windows.” I am sure some of you know Clinton Basham, that was his ticket to ride. He couldn’t wait for her to leave. He gets up and opens all the shades and windows. She walks in the room and begins to cry. I mean tell a class NOT to do something and there will be one that is going to do just that. Someone snitched on Clinton and he got in trouble. I have no idea why I always remember that story.

Just a FYI, Clinton Basham and Sheri Hopkins got wittiest for the class of 1981. They also done predictions for our class when we had prom. They would say in ten years, so and so will be this. For example, …would be a professional athlete, etc. When it came to Sheri Wagoner’s name being called, they said, “in ten years, Sheri Wagoner will be the next Howard Cosell.” Everyone just roared with laughter. For all you young whipper snappers, Howard Cosell was a famous sports journalist on Monday night football. He has a blustery personality. I am guessing they were saying I was loud. Enough about 1981.

This was something funny I saw on Facebook this week. It said, “according to this BMI calculator, I am too short.” That made me laugh. That’s ok, I will just need two extra pallbearers to carry me. I hope I have enough family and friends to find eight of them. This week’s recipe is for an ARE YOU KIDDING ME CAKE.

1 box any flavor cake mix
3 large eggs beaten
1 can pie filling (21 oz.)
1 package of cream cheese (optional)
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a bowl, dump the dry cake mix, eggs and pie filling. Stir together till well mixed. Pour into a greased 9×13 cake pan. This is where the cream cheese is optional. You can cut it into slices and randomly poke down in the batter. Make sure the cream cheese is deep into the batter. Bake at 350 degrees for 35 minutes. You can test with a toothpick for doneness. If it needs it, cook a little longer. This is some of the combos that I think would be good: cherry chip cake mix and cherry pie filling, strawberry cake mix with strawberry pie filling, lemon cake mix with blueberry pie filling, chocolate cake mix with cherry pie filling, and yellow cake mix with blackberry pie filling. Hope you enjoy. Have a blessed week!

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Tammy Teague
Tammy Teague
Tammy is the heart behind the brand. Her tenacity to curate authentic journalism, supported by a genuine heart is one her many wholesome qualities.
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