By Tammy Moore Teague
The Mansfield City Council met in regular session on Thursday, December 20 at 7 p.m. Mansfield Mayor Mike Gipson started the meeting by thanking the city council for allowing him to serve as mayor for the past eight months. “I’ve loved every minute of it,” Gipson said. After approving the financial report and minutes from the November meeting, the council moved on to new business.
Mansfield Police Chief Boyd Farmer recommended that the council hire Kelly Perez as a full-time officer. Perez currently serves on the department part-time. The council acted on the recommendation and voted to approve it. Gipson said, “she’s going to be great for us. She’s always there to help whenever we need it.”
Fire Chief Stephen Haysmer gave the fire report, sharing that most of the calls they received were medical. He also recommended the council approve the applications of Dillion Dugan and Levi McDowell. Both were approved pending a drug test.
Gipson reported that things are going well at the waste water plant. Tony Gregory, who is the town’s class II waste water operator, has done an outstanding job on the plant’s upkeep. The council and the public agreed and gave a appreciative round of applause.
In unfinished business, City Recorder/Treasurer Becky Walker discussed the formation of the Dixie Theatre Board. Members include President, Becky Walker, Vice President, Glen Hurt, and Reporter Dollie Gage.
Announcements included a change in the January city council meeting date, which will now be January 24. Additionally, a reminder for everyone to pay their 2019 rural fire dues, which are $40.
Everyone who lives in the city limits are asked to come to city hall and get a dog tag, which are $2.50 per dog. With no other items of business, the meeting of the Mansfield City Council was adjourned.