On Friday, December 8, 2017, we were made aware of an email that was supposedly drafted by Mansfield Mayor, Larry Austin and sent to City of Mansfield Attorney Matthew Ketchum. That email actually exists, and is shown below. [Note:This same information is available to the public per the Freedom of Information Act.]
Upon first glance, it’s hard to ascertain as to why the Mayor would inquire about dissolving of the City, which includes government, property etc.
The Mayor was contacted about as to why he would send an email with such a “quick to point” subject.
RP: “Mr. Austin, can you explain to me why an email was sent from your email address regarding the dissolving of the City of Mansfield?”
Austin replied: “[Long pause]…Uh, this concerned an audit, regarding our emergency plan.”
RP: “Can you email us that plan?”
Austin: “I guess so?”
Within 15 minutes of ending the conversation, Austin sent an email with a one page document which follows.