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Monday, January 13, 2025

Greenwood City Council Fails to Accept Alderman’s Resignation

Arkansas River Valley Business Directory

The Greenwood City Council met in regular session on Monday evening, April 1. Members of the council present included Rod Powell, Roger Rainwater, Tim Terry, Ralph Meeker, and A.C. Brown Jr. Also in attendance, Mayor Doug Kinslow and City Clerk/Treasurer Sharla Derry.

In the public forum, residents Sarah Collins and Cameron Keller addressed the council, expressing interest in filling the seat of Alderman Daniel McDaniel, who submitted his resignation on Thursday, March 28.

“I would like to get the business of the council vacancy out of the way,” stated Kinslow, who stated he had spoken with the city attorney and the Arkansas Municiple league about the resignation. “What we haven’t done yet, we have not accepted his resignation…I was caught off guard, he resigned effective immediately via email…I won’t go into details about why he wanted to resign.”

The council discussed the possibility of speaking with McDaniel in hopes that he would return. The council ultimately voted “no” on declaring a vacancy for his seat. That gives the council an additional 30 days before having to declare a vacancy.

The unanimous “no” vote by the city council was met with applause from the audience. City Attorney Travis Plummer was researching the legal means going forward after the council failed to accept McDaniel’s resignation.

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Tammy Teague
Tammy Teague
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