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Friday, July 26, 2024

Greenwood City Council Meeting Minutes

Arkansas River Valley Business Directory

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by Mayor Doug Kinslow. The roll was called by City
Clerk/Treasurer Sharla Derry andcouncil members present at roll call were Ralph Meeker, Tim Terry,
Roger Rainwater, and Daniel McDaniel; a quorum was declared; Mr. AC Brown arrived shortly after roll
call and Council member Rod Powell arrived after roll call at 8:00 p.m.; City Attorney Travis Plummer
was present; Prayer was offered by Bro. JeffIvey ofFirst Baptist Church and Pledge ofAllegiance was
led by Buddy Loyd.
Approval of Minutes:
Motion was made by Mr. McDaniel, seconded by Mr. Brown to approve the April 3, 2023 Regular City
Council and April 10, 2023 Special Called City Council meeting minutes as presented; motion passed
Recognitions and Acknowledgements
Mayor Kinslow honored the late, long serving Planning Commissioner Tommy Basham with a
Proclamation and key to the City on his behalf and presented these to his family.
Committee Reports:
Boys & Girls Club – Report Submitted; Director Kenny Sunde described a baseball field lighting project
and requested financial assistance for that from the City Council; no action was taken.
SRCA – Report Submitted
Parks Commission – Report Submitted
Water/Wastewater Commission- Report Submitted
Citizen Forum:
Mireya Chavez – 205 W. Gum – Ms. Chavez called on the City Council to consider allowing La Fiesta
Mexican Restaurant the ability to sell alcohol; she stated that the perceived tax revenue benefits would
help the town and keep the citizen’s money from going out of town for alcohol sales. Mr. Bob Purvis
stated that the Economic Development committee has been working on a sample ordinance that could be
considered regarding special allowances for liquor sales. After discussion, Ms. Chavez was requested to
fill out the paperwork she was given to apply for the permit and the City Attorney and other officials
would study the ordinance again to possibly make some changes to it; Ms. Chavez acknowledged that she would fill out the paperwork and go from there.
Financial Report
Mr. Marsh reported on sales tax growth; cash position loss due to budgeted capital spending; Animal
Control adverse spending trends; new “Consolidated Capital Expenditure & Improvement Budget” report
which gauges the performance of each city department’s capital projects throughout the year.


  1. Animal Control- Repealing and Replacing Ord22-01 Animal Control Ordinance -2-
    Reading – Mayor Kinslow requested a vote to enter into executive session regarding a personnel matter
    and motion was made by Mr. McDaniel, seconded by Mr. Rainwater to recess to executive session;
    motion passed unanimously. The session resumed and Mayor Kinslow stated that he would be
    transferring oversight of Animal Control/Code Enforcement from Danielle Smith to himself and clarified that it had nothing to do with the way that Mrs. Smith was providing oversight and the intention is to relieve pressure on her with her additional HR duties.
    Mrs. Smith answered questions pertaining to this ordinance and confirmed that the important change
    within it addresses the length of time animals are held by the City. Motion was made by Mr. McDaniel,
    seconded by Mr. Terry to put this ordinance on second reading by title only; motion passed unanimously and the title was read by the City Clerk.
    Animal Control – Ordinance Repealing and Replacing Ordinance #502 Prohibiting
    Unnecessary Noise – 2m Reading – Mrs. Smith confirmed that the change to this ordinance was made to be compatible with the time limit restriction for barking dogs, noise, etc.; motion was made by Mr.
    McDaniel, seconded by Mr. Rainwater to put this on second reading by title only; motion passed
    unanimously and the title was read bythe City Clerk.
  2. Mayor- Ordinance Prohibiting Heavy Haul and Semi-Truck Traffic on Highway 10
    Spur/Center Street – 2 Reading – Mayor Kinslow stated that Ms. Derry had cleaned up the ordinance
    since last reading and the blank portions were left to determine which parts of the ordinance, internally,
    were applicable to each. Chief Dawson was present to answer questions and motion was made by Mr.
    Brown, seconded by Mr. Rainwater to put this on second reading by title only; motion passed
    unanimously and the title was read by the City Clerk.
  3. City Attorney – Ordinance Updating City Attorney Duties- 1 Reading – Mr. Plummer stated
    that this amends two previous ordinances and that he did not expect this to go on first reading this night
    and asked that the council members digest it and bring it back next month. Ms. Derry updated council on the status of their request to take this issue to the commissions to know their thoughts; she said that the Parks and Water/Wastewater Commissions voted unanimously against paying for city attorney to perform services for them. Mr. asked that the ordinance be more clearly defined as to the scope of services and also to include an repeal and replace of the previous ordinances it references. After discussion, Mr. Plummer agreed that he would make those changes for a more detailed description of services and bring back to the next meeting.
    In reference to the city attorney’s invoice included in the city council packets, motion was made by Mr.
    Brown, seconded by Mr. Powell e payment; Mr. Plummer stated that the hearing on the lake
    annexation would be the next day and the property should be in the City; the vote was called and the
    motion passed unanimously.
    Planning – Ordinance Repealing and Replacing Zoning Ordinance #22-13 to Change Zoning for Storage Units – 2~ Reading- Mr. Bell presented this ordinance and answered council questions. It was suggested that page 26 included a typographical error that needed changed from “I-I” to “I-1” and also to reference “mini-storage” throughout the document for consistency. Motion was made by Mr. Brown, seconded by Mr. Terry to put this on second reading by title only with the changes discussed; motion passed unanimously and the title was read by the City Clerk.
    NEW BUSINESS (Items Listed in order addressed)
    б. Water/Wastewater Commission – Confirmation of Alternate Commission Member – Mr. Cross presented this item and explained that in the event that someone stepped down, this would be an
    alternate member. Ms. Derry clarified that the City Council confirms membership renewals and in the
    event someone is absent, this alternate would not fill in to make a quorum; rather it would only be in the
    event or a vacancy mid-term for a member; she also stated that the provision for alternate member is not
    mentioned in the bylaws or anywhere else that she has researched, but upon formation of the Commission, Kevin Hesslen was listed as an alternate member on the membership roster. Mr. Powell expressed concern that Mr. Alex Selkirk was vocal against the formation of commission, therefore he does not understand this individual’s intention in being a commission member; Mr.Brown, who serves as council liaison for the Water/Wastewater Commission, expressed approval of appointing an alternate member and motion was made by Mr. Powell, seconded by Mr.Terry to confirm Mr. Selkirk for alternate membership; motion passed by majority with Mr. McDaniel and Mr. Rainwater voting no and all others voting yes.
    Finance- Resolution to Establish Bank Account for Senior Citizen Center AEDC Grant
    Administration – Ms. Derry stated that she called the AEDC when filling out a form and she was
    informed that a physical, non-interest bearing bank account must be opened as a requirement of this grant.
    Mr. Marsh stated that the account would be funded with a tight timeline for expenses regarding
    administration of the grant; motion was made by Mr. Brown, seconded by Mr. McDaniel to approve the
    resolution; motion passed unanimously.
    Finance- Resolution to Amend Budget and Appropriate ARPA Funds- Mr. Marsh explained
    that a past resolution expressed an internal intention of how to spend the first tranche of ARPA funds, but
    was not obligated at the time; he opined that was a positive action because no qualified water projects
    have been presented thus far and time is passing with a deadline. He said that he spoke with Caran Curry
    of the Arkansas Municipal League and relayed to her that the first tranche was dedicated to the senior
    center and the second tranche was intended for water/sewer purposes due to the past resolution. He said Ms. Curry advised strongly against using the funds for water/sewer and instead favored its use as police salaries revenue replacement as it was much simpler and better, especially in the reporting aspect. He explained the logistics of using the funds and reporting, and in turn, the plan presented for use of funds would free up monies in other areas to spend at discretion. He stated that $1,125,219 for Police employee salaries would be moved to ARPA funding to appropriate as the use for ARPA funds and would therefore be reported as such. He also explained the amount of money that, because of this, would be freed up in the General Fund and referenced Item #10 on the agenda with funding needs as a suggested use for it since a grant was declined from the project due to a miscommunication and technicality. Ms. Derry added that the resolution in front of council was blessed by the Municipal League and Mr. Marsh agreed and stated that the only thing he applied to it were the correct numbers. He stated that overall, $1,950,400.48 was received in ARPA and Mr. Brown expressed concern that the past resolution
    dedicating ARPA to water/sewer needed to be amended; Ms. Derry stated that she felt the same and it was decided that the amendment to Resolution 121-19 be added to the agenda so that it can be dealt with properly at this time.
    Mr. McDaniel explained that ARDOT had previously authorized the transfer of a grant to the bridge
    project, but then later it was realized that it cannot happen because the project was already in process and it was made known that an environmental impact study is required to use federal dollars, and that could not take place because the study is required before a project starts at a location. He said, using the money
  4. freed up in the General Fund (from the police salaries) can now be used without restriction.
  5. After amending Resolution #121-19 and additional discussion, motion was made by Mr. Rainwater,
  6. seconded by McDaniel to approve the resolution; motion passed by majority with Mr. Terry voting
  7. no and all others voting yes.
  1. Finance – Amendment to Resolution #121-19- Ms. Derry advised the words “appropriated for
    Water and Sewer infrastructure purposes only be stricken from Section one of Resolution 121-19, There
    was discussion and motion was made by Mr. McDaniel, seconded by Mr. Meeker to adopt the resolution with the changes discussed; motion passed unanimously. Ms. Derry stated that she would send the resolution to council so that they could see it as amended.
    Parks -Resolution toAuthorize Recreational Trails Program Funding for Old Iron Bridge –
    Mr. Otis Edwards presented this resolution and motion was made by Mr. Powell, seconded by Mr.
    McDaniel to approve; motion passed unanimously.
  2. Finance- Resolution to Amend Budget for Cuthbert Bridge Fabrication – Mr. Marsh
    explained that, in the absence of the previously transferred grant, this amends the budget to use General Fund monies for the fabrication and transport of the bridge. Mr. McDaniel and Mayor Kinslow answered questions about the project motion was made by Mr. McDaniel, seconded by Mr. Rainwater to approve this; motion passed by majority with Mr. Terry voting no, and al others voting yes.
    Department reports and questions from Council
    Mayor Kinslow stated that the control box that was placed in view of these welcome to Greenwood sign has been relocated at no expense to the City.
    Council Forum
    Mayor Kinslow wished a happy anniversary to Daniel and Kerri McDaniel for 24 years of marriage.
    Mr. Brown inquired about the ownership of land for Eastside Village (sic) and asked if the previous vote
    was for the entire project or just phase one; Mr. Bell stated it was for the entire project and the owner of
    the land’s name is on the plat with signature notarized and filed; Mr. Bell retrieved a copy of the plat and displayed it to council.
    Mr. Powell requested an update on Phase 2 of the sidewalk project and Mayor Kinslow updated council
    on the status of that.
    Brandon Riggs of Spruce Street addressed council about a drainage situation adjacent to their
    property and said that homes are flooding because of the situation with grown trees insidethe drainage
    area. There was discussion and Mayor Kinslow said that he has consulted with the city attorney as to
    what the city can legally assist with. Mayor Kinslow expressed the desire to help and said at the very
    least, due to the trouble that presents with access to the problem area and repairs that would subsequently
    affect flooding for neighboring areas, he would notify the Street Director to see what can be done.
    Motion to adjourn was made by Mr. McDaniel, seconded by Mr. Powell; the meeting adjourned at 9:57 p.m.
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Tammy Teague
Tammy Teague
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