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Sunday, December 22, 2024

Greenwood City Council Meets in Regular Session

Arkansas River Valley Business Directory

Mayor Kinslow introduced “Mayor for a Day” Kinsley Hughes, who called the evening to order at 7:00 p.m.; the roll was called by City Clerk/Treasurer Sharla Derry and council members present at roll call were AC Brown, Ralph Meeker, Rod Powell, Daniel McDaniel, Tim Terry, and Lance Terry; a full quorum was declared; City Attorney Mike Hamby was present; Prayer was offered by Bro. Trent Hampton of Calvary Temple and Pledge of Allegiance was led by Fire Chief Stewart Bryan.
Mayor Kinsley turned the meeting back over to Mayor Kinslow, who honored her with a Certificate of Recognition and key to the City.

Approval of Minutes:
Motion was made by Mr. Brown, seconded by Mr. Meeker to approve the September 12, 2022 Regular City Council Meeting and September 22. 2022 Special Called Meeting minutes as presented; motion passed unanimously.
Recognitions and Acknowledgements
Mayor Kinslow recognized “Mayor for a Day” Kinsley Hughes earlier in the meeting.

Committee Reports:
Boys & Girls Club – Report Submitted
SRCA – Executive Director Mrs. Deanna Rice addressed the numbers on a handout that was distributed to the council at the meeting
Parks Commission – Report Submitted
Water/Wastewater Commission – None

Citizen Forum:
Jim Newcomb – Mr. Newcomb referenced a handout that was distributed and read the definition of “gerrymandering” and stated that the City paid money to WAPDD to assist with redistricting and that he believes gerrymandering has occurred and questioned the fairness of the recent redistricted map that the City has adopted. He described the ward lines and asserted that Ken Edwards presented his own redrawn ward lines that the City adopted, all in order to keep councilman AC Brown in the ward he was in, and questioned consideration of that due to Mr. Edwards is not an employee of the City, lives in Fort Smith and therefore has no relationship to the City of Greenwood. He also mentioned the balance on the Council with regards to some members’ being volunteer firemen and took issue with how it related to redistricting. In closing, he stated that he feels this is wrong and asked for Mayor Kinslow to revisit how the ward lines were redrawn in the last redistricting and to address the fairness of the same to see if the Council considers this right or wrong.
Steve Cherosky – Stated that he was present a week ago, with only two council members showing up and asked the question that every time there is a vote on the Fire Department, all of the councilmen show up and he posed the question of importance placed on seniors. He explained his understanding of how the City arrives at special meeting times and said that AC Brown did not show up and he also questioned the ethics of so many firemen being on the Council.
Skip Kelley – He stated that he is a Vietnam veteran and said that though respect is told being shown, he doesn’t appreciate how some were spit on and cussed at. He expressed the importance of eating and fellowship for combat veterans and seniors and stated that if that ever stops, trouble is at hand.
Glenda Dean – Ms. Dean recounted an experience 3 years ago whereas she broke her leg at the current Senior Center and expressed regret for not bringing suit against it for it being a dangerous place. She said seniors need a place to go and stay that is recommended safe. She said they are poor people just trying to get along in the world, they need a new senior center; one that is not falling apart.
Tammy Jones – Ms. Jones advocated for the Greenwood Senior Center and gave reasons for importance of voting yes for a new center. She also recounted what the Senior Center has done for the community in fundraising and participation in civic minded causes. In closing, she expressed the opinion of the current Center being in disrepair and in being located in a flood-zone and said it is time for a new center.
Dorothy Nixon – Ms. Nixon addressed a recent article in a newspaper depicting that 20 meals were served per day at the senior center but she stated that at least 40 people come to fellowship and eat daily and said this is only a small part of it as the staff in the kitchen prepare meals for around 90 homebound people per day and felt it important that the kitchen staff, 5 days per week 120 + meals, should have an adequate kitchen and she feels that better accommodations are necessary.

She asked of council how many of them have been to the Senior Center and asked how many had been to see the staff prepare the meals in the kitchen.
Donna Van Gorder – 903 Essex Street – She said she is a flood victim, and at the August meeting she remembers that councilman Lance Terry spoke in support of a pay increase for officers and requested a motion and a second since that was never voted upon previously. She asked for this item to be added to the agenda and requested that her officers’ pay be raised; this was followed by applause.
John Van Gorder – 903 Essex Street – Mr. Van Gorder addressed the recent absences of council from a called meeting and questioned what was so important that they could not show up to a meeting. He stated that he runs five businesses and had an hour’s notice and still attended the meeting and that Greenwood has the best fire facilities around and that Greenwood is second safest city in the State because of Chief Dawson and his officers. He indicated that the seniors are thought of last and admonished council for not bothering to show up, pointing out that AC Brown is 200 yards from his office and couldn’t bother to show up and expressed shame upon him for that.
Financial Report
Report submitted with tax receipts, fund balance and net income updates from Mr. Marsh; he also stated that the City has spent 25.23% of its budgeted capital outlay for the past 9 months; water/sewer audit is wrapping up and the legislative audit is in its third week; budget reviews to be scheduled at the end of October/ early November.
Agenda Additions

Police – Salaries Discussion

Police – Solar Option for Tornado Sirens
There were no objections noted by council to these two additions
OLD/UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Items Listed in Order Addressed)

City Clerk – Ordinance to Approve Related Party Transactions with Jim Reynolds
Outdoors – 3rd Reading – Motion was made by Mr. Powell, seconded by Mr. McDaniel to put this ordinance on third reading by title only; motion passed unanimously and the title was read by the City Clerk.

Finance – Resolution to Appropriate ARPA Funds 2nd Tranche – Mr. Powell asked for this item to be addressed before Item #2; he stated that he is a proponent of a Sr. Center and for quality of life and after other commentary made motion to approve the resolution as presented, seconded by Mr. McDaniel; motion passed unanimously.

Mayor – Approval to Propose Offer and Sign Letter of Intent for Commercial Property for Future Senior Center Location – Mr. Powell spoke on the obligation that the City has had to keep the current center, donated for use by Farmers Bank, in good condition; and referenced a conversation that he recently had with the Wilkinsons (Ed, Betty and Stanhope) regarding making improvements to the existing building serving as the Senior Center in order to keep the downtown a viable spot. He passed out notes Mr. Stanhope Wilkinson had made to indicate changes to the contract to accommodate changes to the building that $500,000 invested would bring and suggested that the City could serve as the only party to break the lease, in the interest of benefitting from any value the City invested into the building and that Farmers Bank would remove itself from being able to break the lease without a check written back to the City. Mr. Powell asked for council’s consideration for this and expressed dislike in diving into something without a plan. Mayor Kinslow proceeded to inform Mr. Powell and council of recent plans, along with costs and commentary from Mr. Marsh, to pursue a better place for seniors to gather, including pointing out that the current facility at Farmers Bank being in the floodplain, therefore disqualified from the CDBG Block Grant. Motion was made by Mr. Powell to table this item, which after discussion failed for lack of a second.

Mr. Steven Shoppach, listing agent with O’Neil Realty, spoke and offered the details contained in the Letter of Intent and Real Estate Contract distributed to council and stated that an offer of $825,000, for a 4,500 square foot, viable building on 2 acres for prime, class A commercial space, is to be considered and is in front of the seller for consideration and if approved, the contract is available for signature this evening.

Mr. Tim Terry inquired about annexation in regards to this, and Mayor Kinslow stated that plans are to annex this and lands going back towards Greenwood as is the plan for infrastructure related to the widening of that highway. Mr. Brown asked Mr. Hamby if he has reviewed the contract, to which Mr. Hamby stated it looks like standard real estate terms with nothing out of the ordinary.
After discussion, motion was made by Mr. McDaniel to sign the current contract as presented and a period of time passed with multiple members of the audience making comments and commentary from speaker Buddy Loyd to encourage a second. After a pause, Mr. Lance Terry seconded the motion, followed by applause; motion carried with Mayor Kinslow voting to pass the measure with Mr. Brown, Mr. Meeker, and Mr. Powell voting no, and Mr. McDaniel, Mr. Tim Terry, and Mr. Lance Terry voting yes.

Mayor – Approval of Grant Application for CDBG Block Grant Related to Senior Center
Facility – Earlier in the meeting, Ms. McKenna advised council that the grant rules state that the building in question related to the grant must be owned so that would mean either the City or the non-profit would have to own it.

She said she would need a line-item cost estimate on paper by next Tuesday. Motion was made by Mr. McDaniel, seconded by Mr. Tim Terry to authorize for the application of this CDGB Block
grant related to the senior facility; motion passed unanimously.

City Clerk – Ordinance Adopting 2023 Millage Rate – Motion was made by Mr. Tim Terry, seconded by Mr. McDaniel to put this on first reading by title only; motion passed unanimously and the title was read by the City Clerk. Motion was made by Mr. Tim Terry, seconded by Mr. McDaniel to suspend the rules and waive the second and third reading of the ordinance; motion passed unanimously. Motion was made by Mr. Tim Terry, seconded by Mr. McDaniel to adopt the ordinance; motion passed unanimously. Motion was made by Mr. Tim Terry, seconded by Mr. Brown to enact the emergency clause of the ordinance; motion passed by majority with Mr. McDaniel voting no, and all others voting yes.
There was a ten minute break ordered by the Mayor, with a 9:00 reconvene.

Planning – Ordinance Repealing and Replacing Ordinance 05-14 Land Subdivision
Regulation Code – 1st Reading – Mr. Sonny Bell presented this ordinance and there was a lengthy discussion about the heavy haul permit ordinance, adopted by the City in 1983, and the need for it to be updated. After discussion, motion was made by Mr. Powell, seconded by Mr. Tim Terry to put this on first reading by title only; motion passed unanimously and the title was read by the City Clerk.

Parks – Resolution to Amend Budget for Fishing Dock/Pier at Greenwood Lake – Mr. Joel Goldstein presented this resolution and explained the need for it. Motion was made by Mr. Powell,
seconded by Mr. McDaniel adopt the resolution; motion passed unanimously.

Finance – Resolution to Amend Budget for Paving Walkway at Boys & Girls Club – Mr. Marsh advised council that, within the current contract, anything needed beyond what was being provided contractually shall be asked for on an as-needed basis. Mr. Kenny Sunde was present to explain the need for this as a request for $20,000 to add 600 feet of walkway including pads. Motion was made by Mr. Brown, seconded by Mr. Powell to approve the resolution as presented; motion passed unanimously. Mr. Sunde informed council that he will be appealing to the A&P Fund for bleachers and scoreboards and thanked council for what they’ve done.

Police – Salaries Discussion – Chief Dawson referenced a spreadsheet he passed out with a City of Fort Smith pay scale on it, along with a listing entitled “Starting Pay for Arkansas Agencies”; there was discussion about wages with Mr. Powell acknowledging that Chief Dawson brought what Mr. Powell asked to be provided. In closing, the council suggested that police pay be studied during upcoming budget study sessions.

Police – Solar Option for Tornado Sirens – Chief Dawson stated that four poles need to be moved with possible electrical issues once relocated and he has been asked to present solar as an option as new sites will be chosen because of the coverage change. Mr. Brown inquired as to an alternate backup source and Chief Dawson indicated that it may have a battery backup of some sort. He said that this option has been suggested after a new development created a gap in service and all poles must now be adjusted; he said there is an urgency due to many of the poles failing as of late; he also agreed that he would look into finding if other cities have solar and how those are working for them. Mr. Meeker asked about repeaters, and Chief Dawson stated that these sound on their own once a warning comes through and is a new system that monitors the weather; he stated that the repeaters that have been placed in other areas thus far have not helped. He also indicated that this is just now coming before council due to a mix-up in the office over who’s responsible for ordering these; Mr. Marsh stated that money is already budgeted in the General Fund for maintenance and repair, though the number may need to be increased. After Mr. Brown expressed desire for electric poles with solar backup, Chief Dawson suggested this be approved; after additional discussion motion was made by Mr. Brown, seconded by Mr. Powell to amend the budget for this via resolution as discussed; motion passed unanimously.

Department Reports and Questions from Council

Council Forum
Mr. McDaniel asked for a sidewalk project update and Mayor Kinslow stated that Crawford Construction was awarded the bid and work was supposed to begin October 1 but did not happen as the contractor is waiting on direction from ARDOT. He said that a call would be placed tomorrow and also said it would take an estimated 3 months to complete once work begins.
Mr. Tim Terry asked for clarification that the overlay (on Hwy. 10 Spur) is the final overlay before the road is turned over to the City, which the Mayor confirmed in the affirmative. There was additional discussion with Mr. Tim Terry expressing concern over funding to continue upkeep in the future.

Motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Tim Terry, seconded by Mr. McDaniel; the meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m.

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Tammy Teague
Tammy Teague
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