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Saturday, September 7, 2024

Hornets Lend A Helping Hand

Arkansas River Valley Business Directory

Hard work and selflessness is nothing new to the Hackett Hornet coaches and players. When the Hornets first heard that help was needed in the flood relief efforts for their neighbors to the North, there was zero hesitation. They immediately began getting a group together to volunteer with cleanup and the picking up of sandbags.

On Wednesday, June 5, Hackett players and staff loaded a bus bright and early and headed to the Community Bible Church to assists in the rebuilding process of a town forever impacted by the Great Flood of 2019. Armed with gloves and sunscreen, the Hornets were ready to spend the entire day getting their hands dirty and breaking their backs to help their fellow man. The Hackett Hornets are the perfect example of how big of an impact a little town can really make when they come together as one!

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