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Friday, July 26, 2024

“Just Roll with It” Serving up Recipes and Humor

Arkansas River Valley Business Directory

By Sheri Hopkins
Lifestyle Contributor

Hello everyone! By the time you read this the ice will be gone. The sun will be shining and the cold will be a memory. Our heavenly father is the best artist there is. The ice was so beautiful. The way it hung on the trees and sparkled.

It brought back a memory of years ago, probably around 1990. There was a big snowstorm predicted. Chuck went to work that morning and he gave me orders not to go anywhere because I did not need to be on the road if it was going to get worse. OK, that seemed like an easy rule to follow until…my friend Billie Weaver called and asked “do you want to run to Walmart with me?” I said “sure.” Knowing a storm was coming and I was going to hear it from Chuck. Walmart was still in the Atwoods building at that time. She picked me up and we headed out. Needless to say, before we got very far, it started snowing like crazy. I mean snowing hard. Did we turn around and go home? No! We headed to Walmart. Well, by the time we got there, the roads were slick as could be. We got parked and got out to go inside, needless to say like a disobedient child, something always happens when you do something you shouldn’t. I fell in the parking lot and was like a turtle on its back, I could not get up. We got tickled and I could not get up. Cars were everywhere, headlights shining on me. The more I tried the more we laughed. I simply could not get up.

I’ve never liked to follow rules. I was young then and it didn’t bother me to fall. Let me tell ya now that I am practically a senior citizen, I am super careful. Jacob will call me and say “who is going to get you up if you fall?” I have grandkids, they will help me.

I also had a good memory of sledding down high school hill. Our friends and neighbors, the Nibletts, had an old car hood, they drug it out for us and my sister Pam, Mari and I hopped on it and flew down the hill. Such fun sledding down that hill.

This week’s recipe comes from my cousin, Melva. I have been on a dump cake kick. She said this was so good and easy. She ate it with ice cream. Ice cream makes everything good.
Cherry Dump Cake
2 cans of cherry pie filling
1 yellow cake mix (dry)
1 can of Sprite
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease or spray with cooking spray. Spread the two cans of cherry pie filling on bottom and spread out evenly. Put the dry cake mix on top and smooth out over pie filling. Pour the can of Sprite over the top, make sure all the cake mix is covered. Bake for 40-45 minutes depending on your oven. Eat it warm with ice cream. It would have to be lower in calories than the dump cake covered in butter. Enjoy

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Tammy Teague
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