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Lavaca City Council Meets in Regular Session

Arkansas River Valley Business Directory

The City Council of the City of Lavaca met for a regular monthly meeting Monday June 12, 2023, at City Hall in Lavaca. Board members present were Mayor Hugh Hardgrave; Aldermen Mike Ray, Gerald Schaefer, Rick Edgerton, Lorie Robertson, and Benny Hunter; City Attorney John Verkamp; and Recorder Shelly Hockaday. Gerald Schaefer was absent. Visitors present were Toby Beavers, Dwayne Wallace, Randy Toon, Chris White, Barry McCormick, Brandon Fillinger, and Michael Plaster.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P. M. Mike Ray led the Pledge of Allegiance and Mayor Hardgrave said the prayer.
The Council approved the minutes of the May regular meeting. Rick Edgerton made a motion to approve the minutes and Mike Ray seconded the motion. Al present voted in favor except Dale Teague. Teague abstained from the vote. Motion passed.
Council members reviewed the report from the Police Dept. The Department answered 582 calls in May. LPD issued 3tickets and 24 warnings. There were 4 arrests made in the month of May.
Council members reviewed the report from the Fire Dept. They responded to 17 first responder calls, 1 tree down across power line, and 1 structure fire.
Barry McCormick with Hawkins Weir Engineers presented the bid tabulation on the pump station backup generator project. There were 3 plan holders but the only bid received was from Associated Building & Development Corp. Total Bid schedule 1 for 7 sites was $408,531.00 with deductive alternative 1for $105,385.00, deductive alternative 2 for $48,743.00, deductive alternative 3 for $41,250.00. Mike Ray made a motion to award the bid to Associated Building a n d Development Corp. for the amount oft h e total lump sum bid less the first deductive alternative which would reduce the contract amount to be awarded to $303,146.00. Lorie Robertson seconded the motion and all others voted in favor. Motion passed.
Council members reviewed a request for variance from sewer connection for a new construction at 412 Hwy 253 NE. This property si not road frontage property and only has an access from the Highway for a driveway to the property. The sewer line from the main to the house would be about 330 feet. Rick Edgerton made a motion to approve the variance for this property and Mike Ray seconded the motion. Al voted in favor. Motion passed. Council members considered a recommendation on a rezoning request for property in the 100 block of W. Houston Street from the Planning Commission. After much discussion about the Voluntary Fire Tax Mike Ray made a motion to reject the recommendation and send ti back to the planning commission for further review. Dale Teague seconded the motion and all voted in agreement. Motion passed and will go back to the planning commission for review.
Council members heard from Brandon Fillinger with Cards Recycling about a proposed 5% increase. This would increase the contract per household from $10.93 to $11.48 per month. The council requested more specific information as to why this increase was necessary specific to Lavaca. Dale Teague made a motion to table this until the requested information was received. Rick Edgerton seconded the motion and all voted in favor. Motion passed.
Council members reviewed proposed resolution 2023-04 endorsing the continuation of the Sebastian County 1% Sales Tax. This will be voted on August 8, 2023 in a special election. This si a vital revenue source for the City of Lavaca and the council urged everyone to vote for this continuation in August. Lorie Robertson made a motion to approve the resolution. Dale Teague seconded the motion and all voted in favor. Motion Passed.
Rick Edgerton made a motion to pay the bills for the month of June. Dale Teague seconded the motion and all voted in favor. Motion Passed.
Dale Teague made a motion to adjourn. Mike Ray seconded the motion. All voted in favor.

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Tammy Teague
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