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Sunday, January 5, 2025

Lavaca Middle School receives a State Citation and National Distinguished School Honors.

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It is a great day to be a Golden Arrow! Representative Lee Johnson came to Lavaca Middle School today to speak to the student body today. Representative Johnson told the school that he was there because Lavaca Middle School has been Nationally recognized as an ESEA Distinguished School. Steve Rose (Lavaca Schools Superintendent), Kenny Holland (Lavaca Middle School Principal), Krysta Winchester (Lavaca Middle School Teacher), and Brooka Meredith (Lavaca Middle School Teacher), had traveled to Kansas City, MO back in February to accept the award for closing the achievement gap between student populations. Today was the the day for the student body to get to see and hear just how big of an accomplishment this really was.

The National Association of ESEA ( Ensuring Student Equity and Access) State Program Administrators (NAESPA) is pleased to announce that Lavaca Middle School from Lavaca, Arkansas has been named a National ESEA Distinguished School by the state education agency in Arkansas. Rep Johnson said that Lavaca Middle School is one of only sixty-eight schools throughout the country to receive this honor and in Arkansas one of only two.

Lavaca Middle School’s Principal, Kenny Holland, called students Chandler Phillips (Student Council President) and Taelor Kendrick (Student Council Vice President) to be presented with a citation from the Arkansas House of Representatives as well as the ESEA Distinguished Schools banner which will be hung proudly in the Middle School.

Lavaca Public Schools should be commended on the hard work and dedication of its staff. There are many good things going on throughout the district. The teachers and administrators in Lavaca are often the unsung heroes and there efforts go without fanfare. This day and this recognition is a tribute to every teacher, every administrator, and every support staff member that make the daily effort to help students learn to be successful.

Resident Press first reported on Lavaca Middle School receiving this award on February 1 2019. See original story at https://residentpress.com/lavaca-middle-school-nationally-recognized/.

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