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Fort Smith
Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Low Cost Valentine’s Ideas for Kids

Arkansas River Valley Business Directory

With three children if I spend $15 each I’ve spent $45 for Valentine’s Day. Then we have little clutters, balloons that are gonna pop, and sugar. I would rather spend $45 on something else. I’m not anti-Valentines day. But I’ve called it Love day for all of my oldest’s life and we have done different things every year. 

One year Love Day was a trip to Petco to look at the animals and to Cherry Berry for a snack. We were already in Fort Smith to get groceries. 

Since having the other 2 I’ve done gifts and not done gifts and had a hard time finding something consistent to do. Most holidays are like that for me. But part of childhood memories are the traditions, or I tell myself that.

So this year I polled my Facebook friends and searched Pinterest, then I racked my own brain for ways to make Love Day work for the VanRavensway house that maybe we can continue on for years to come.

Tradition #1- this is actually my parents’ tradition. We exchange paper Valentines with my mom and dad. Lovingly referred to as my kids’ Mimzee and Popo they each sign an old school paper Valentine to each child. 

New tradition idea 1- make fudge. Store bought candy is fun! I love it. But my kids usually bite in to those assortments and come back with a disgusted face. Of course I could just buy them candy they like, but they also really enjoy being in the kitchen with me! Fudge sounds like the perfect love day treat! (Google two ingredient fudge for a super simple treat! I will share that recipe after we make it, so not before Valentines.)

New tradition idea 2- “Why we love you” scavenger hunt! I’ve seen a cute idea to make hearts and put reasons you love your child on their door each day in February. So sweet! I’ve also heard from a friend that she does the same idea but they read them at the dinner table. We love Easter egg hunting, so I thought giving each child a different color heart to look around the house for, and having each family member share their favorite thing about that child on a heart would be the most precious! I’m so excited to see how this works out.

New tradition idea 3-special date with each child. I’m honestly not sure I’m planning to attempt this this year, but I’m sharing in case it inspires someone else! Take each child out to do something, even a library and donut day would tickle my kids and be low cost. Make their love day special by giving one on one time! 

I hope you have the best Valentines Day ever in 2024, and I hope your children do too! If you skip the holiday and do nothing, know I am in full support. It’s your life, you get to make the rules for cheesy holidays like this. If you want to buy traditional Valentine’s I’m quietly reminding you small businesses are feeling the strain from inflation very hard and would love your business this February and every day.

Happy Valentine’s (Love) Day! 

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Madison VanRavensway
Madison VanRavensway
Don't let her quiet nature fool you. Madison is a force to be reckoned with in the outdoors, or creating amazing recipes from scratch.
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