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Mansfield City Council, September

Arkansas River Valley Business Directory

The Mansfield City Council held their regularly scheduled meeting, Thursday, September, 15th at Mansfield City Hall. In attendance were the City Council members – Georganna Mabry, Dave Johnson, Nathan Sterling, Beverly Lyons, Rick McDaniel, and Sheri Hopkins, Mansfield Recorder / Treasurer – Becky Walker, Mansfield Mayor – Larry Austin,  and Mansfield Fire Chief – Stephen Haysmer, as well as a many citizens, and business owners of our area.
With an agenda focusing on the Taylor House, and the resignation of Public  Works Director, the meeting started with welcoming special guest Barbara Blackard, ACCRTA President, who presented Mansfield Recorder / Treasurer, Becky Walker with her recent accomplishment of Municipal Clerk Certification.

Barbara Blackard, ACCRTA President, presents Mansfield Recorder / Treasurer, Becky Walker with a Municipal Clerk Certification. Congrats Becky!

The meeting was postponed for 5 minutes so friends, family, and media could take pictures of Becky Walker  receiving her award.
Council unanimously accepted the minutes.
As of September 2nd, Arnold Elmore resigned as Public Words Director.
City employee, Leroy English recently passed away. Mr. English will be missed, as he was a valued member of the community, and well respected City of Mansfield employee.
Mansfield Police Department : Police Chief Boyd Farmer was on vacation.
Mansfield Public Works Department : No report
Mansfield Fire : Chief, Stephen Haysmer reported that they have responded to (3) fires, assisted NW Scott County on Abbott road, an illegal burn, and a grass fire on Frasier road. Everyone was safe, and got the fires under control quickly.
No report, or updates from City Attorney.
Mansfield Recorder / Treasurer, Becky Walker thanked the council for her ability to travel to the institute, where she was awarded a scholarship to be able to attend an no cost to the city.
Regarding the focus on the Taylor House, in their last Council meeting, the topic of the attached sewer system plays an important role in the potential listing of the property to be sold as commercial, or residential. Mayor Austin reported that an appraisal came back with appraising the property at $92,000. That appraisal included the current sewer system.
The current state of remodeling the Mercy building in downtown Mansfield was reported as Electricity, HVAC, and plumbing have all been completed, with a possible (3) weeks before moving in could be started.
The looming issue of the current sewer setup was discussed. Questioning, whether to install a septic tank, cut off sewer current connection, or leave as is for the new owner, City Attorney, Matt Ketchum stated “sell the property as is.”
Motion was made to sell the Taylor property as-is with the new owner to deal with the adjoining owner regarding the septic system.
Mayor Austin addressed the Council with the question, “We’re being asked to pay overtime pay Arnold Elmore from Jan 2014, to Aug 2016. What’s your pleasure regarding this issue?”  “Do we have anything on file stating that we have to pay?” asked a council member. Mayor Austin replied “I’m not sure”
Motion made to “Pay Arnold Elmore for his overtime while at City Council meetings.” Council unanimously agreed.
Motion made to remove 3 names from the fire dept. Council unanimously agreed
Motion to hire Steven Haysmer as a fire fighter. Council unanimously agreed
Motion was made to go into executive session at 7:40pm. Council returned to regular session at 8:37pm
A. Motion made to accept the resignation of Arnold Elmore. Council unanimously agreed
B. Motion made to accept the recommendation of William Mason as City Works Director position. Council unanimously agreed
C. Motion made to hire Ken Swilling as a part-time meter. Council unanimously agreed
In new business, the council was addressed with an update on the Dixie Theatre restoration project. Bids will be accepted next Tuesday at City Hall at 10:00am, where basic elements such as plumbing, electric, HVAC will be addressed with this work.
Meeting adjourned at 8:55pm.

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