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Fort Smith
Thursday, March 13, 2025

Mansfield Middle School FBLA Makes “BIG TEN”

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If you’ve kept abreast of the Mansfield Middle Schools (MMS) involvement with Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), you’ll be quick to notice that they not only take it very seriously, but look at it as an important element to adding “life lessons” to its members.
Mansfield Middle School FBLA recently was acknowledged, as 8th overall, in the FBLA-ML “BIG TEN” Chapters which is a national survey based on membership. If you look closely at the stats, it’s impressive to see how MMS FBLA ranks among others in larger per-capita schools. IMPRESSIVE!!!!
MMS FBLA is sponsored by Renea Bryan, who is also a leader in her efforts to steer the members in the right direction with competitions, and projects. Bryan stated, “I am so proud to be the sponsor of this group of kids. They work hard and deserve to be recognized for their efforts. I hope Mansfield School District continues to see success with the MS-FBLA program.”
CONGRATULATIONS Mrs. Bryan, FBLA members, and Mansfield School District. Well done, and well deserved.

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