(Pictured above, Serenity Brunson reads to Mrs. Brewers, Kindergarten class)
The Middle Level Achievement Program (MAP) is an individual member program that is designed to reward those FBLA Middle Level members who excel in their participation in a variety of activities in the areas of service, education and leadership.
Level 1 is the Entrepreneur Level. This level focuses on basic business skills, introduction to community service, and FBLA-Middle Level involvement at the local level; entries are certified by the local chapter adviser.
MAP is helping students learn basic business skills to help prepare them to pursue future career opportunities and allow them access to professionals who can help them reach their long term goals. Since this competition is a self paced self study competition, it takes a self motivated student to complete this competition
Mrs. Renea Bryan, the MMS FBLA sponsor stated, “These kids have taken hold of what FBLA stands for, and are all working really hard on making achievements, both personally, and within the community. I am really proud of them.”