We would like to take a few minutes and recognize our fifth grade March students of the month. Teachers nominated a male and female student for their hard work and positive attitude, which they have displayed throughout this current school year. Our young man that has been selected as the fifth grade student of the month for March, Logan Newman, is a hard
We are extremely proud to have such great students at Mansfield Middle School and we are even more encouraged by the impact their parents have on their life. Each student continues to lead their peers by positive examples and we will be saddened by the day these two young people move to the high school. Congratulations to Logan, fifth grade female student and
Fun Facts about our Fifth Grade Students of the Month
Logan Newman​​​
Favorite Food: Pizza ​​​
Favorite Subject: Gym​​​​
Hobbies: Football, soccer, four wheeler riding​​​
Favorite Movie: Zombieland​​​
Favorite Book: I Survived​
Embarrassing Moment: Getting called on the intercom.
Happiest Moment: Going to Florida​​
Future Aspiration: Becoming a Jet Building​​​
Favorite Color: Orange​​​​
Funniest School Memory: Whenever me and my friends hang out at recess. ​
Unidentified Female Student
Favorite Food: Pizza​ ​​​
Favorite Subject: Math​​​​
Hobbies: Softball​​​
Favorite Movie: Riverdale​​​
Favorite Book: Secret Garden​
Embarrassing Moment: When I tripped at school.​
Happiest Moment: When I won a basketball game.​
Future Aspirations: PTA​​
Favorite Color: Purple​​​
Funniest School Memory: When I tripped at school.