On Thursday morning, February 21, Arkansas Forestry Commission Scott
Ranger Yandell and Smokey spoke with the students on the importance of
The Arkansas Agriculture Department’s Forestry Commission (AFC) is sponsoring a Smokey Bear “Shout-Out” contest through April 19 to celebrate Smokey’s 75th birthday.
Smokey is the fictional bear that was designated the symbol for forest fire prevention in 1944 by the U.S. Forest Service and the Ad Council.
Elementary classes across Arkansas are invited to record a short video wishing Smokey a happy birthday and to share it with AFC and the Arkansas Agriculture Department’s (AAD) social media sites for a chance to win a birthday party with Smokey.
To enter the contest:
Make sure the school name and class can be clearly heard in the video.
Keep it short (15-30 seconds)
Like AFC and AAD Facebook pages: www.facebook.com/ArkansasForestryCommission and www.facebook.com/ArkAgricultureDepartment
Post your video to your school’s Facebook page, making sure to add #SmokeyBear75