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Waldron School Board Meets in Regular Session

Arkansas River Valley Business Directory

The regular monthly meeting of the Waldron School Board was held in the Central Office Building Monday, September 11, 2023, at 6:30 p.m. Board members present were Clay Woodall, Konnor McKay, Stan Cottrell and Angela Hunsucker. School Board member Mac Davis was not present. Others present were Superintendent Daniel Fielding, Misty Owens, Kim Solomon, Zack Taylor, Darla Jeffery, Ryan Walker, Toni Dozier, Kristi Sigman, Tonya Cluck and Cheyenne Smith.

President Clay Woodall called the meeting to order at 6:30p.m.

Mr. Konnor McKay began the meeting with a word of prayer.

Mrs. Angela Hunsucker led the Pledge of Allegiance.

A motion was made by Konnor McKay and seconded by Angela Hunsucker to approve the Consent Agenda items: A) Approval of the August 14th and August 22nd Minutes; B) Approve Financial Reports and Expenditures; C) Approve Purchase Order for MHC Kenworth; D) Approve Purchase Orders for White River Services. Motion carried 4 -0.

A motion was made by Angela Hunsucker and seconded by Konnor McKay to approve the Contract Disclosure Form and Resolution for Powell Graphics Plus. Motion carried 4-0.

A motion was made by Stan Cottrell and seconded by Angela Hunsucker to approve the Contract Disclosure Form and Resolution for R & J Air Systems. Motion carried 4-0.

Ryan Walker, ABC/Adventure Online Academy Principal, reported to the Board that there are now 32 students enrolled in the virtual online school and that there are 20 openings for students at the ABC. Mrs. Darla Jeffery informed the board that the Book Fair will be this week, as well as Grandparents Breakfast. Mrs. Jeffery also stated that the Fall Festival will be October 28th on Main Street. Zack Taylor, Middle School Principal, reported that club meetings, such as Gardening, Hair Styling, Football, etc., have started this week. Middle school is also hosting the Book Fair this week. Mr. Taylor also added that students will be attending the fair this Wednesday thru Friday. There will also be a pep rally at the Middle School this Thursday, September 14th. On September 18th, there will be a motivational speaker, Professional Angler Hunter Baughman, that will speak on overcoming obstacles. Kim Solomon, High School Principal, stated that a Career Fair on Thursday, October 5th will be followed by Homecoming on October 6th. There will also be a pep rally this Friday with a Hawaiian theme. Be Pro Be Proud will be here on October 16th as well.

Superintendent Fielding reported to the board that Parent Teacher Conferences will be Tuesday, September 19th. He also reported that although there were a few facility issues at the beginning of the school year, those issues have been resolved and the district can move past them.

A motion was made by Angela Hunsucker and seconded by Konnor McKay to accept the resignation from Tamara Broomfield, Food Service, effective September 7, 2023. Motion carried 4-0.

A motion was made by Angela Hunsucker and seconded by Stan Cottrell to hire Alyssa Jones as ABC/First Step Paraprofessional, retroactive back to September 1, 2023, with 1 years’ experience. Motion carried 4-0.

A motion was made by Konnor McKay and seconded by Angela Hunsucker to approve the modified stipend schedule. Motion carried 4-0.

A motion was made by Konnor McKay and seconded by Stan Cottrell to adjourn. Motion carried 4-0.

Meeting adjourned at 6:55 p.m.

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Tammy Teague
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