On Saturday a transformer at the Waldron Middle School caught fire. Due to the damage at one of the buildings and the loss of electricity, classes were cancelled on Monday.
Waldron School District Superintendent Daniel Fielding issued a statement Saturday night making the announcement. He stated that it was unclear when the power would be restored and assured parents that the issue would be resolved as quickly as possible.
Today, the district issued further instructions for Middle School students for Tuesday, January 8:
All students will be dropped off at Waldron High School Commons for breakfast and will report to the auditorium for further instructions daily.
Students going to off-campus sites will be bussed by the Waldron School District.
Fifth and sixth grade students will eat lunch at Waldron Elementary School from 11:55 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Seventh and eighth grade students will eat lunch at Waldron High School from 11:40 a.m.-noon. Please send lunch or let them eat at school lunch during this time. Dropping off lunches will not be allowed.
All students that are car riders will be picked up at the Middle School like always for convenience.
All messages will be left at the WMS school number and the messages will be delivered to students. All questions about student sign-outs will go to 479-637-4549.
Fifth grade: First Baptist Church-doors stay locked at all times and will have extra adult supervision the entire time there as well as security.
Sixth grade: Nazarene Church-Doors stay locked at all times and will have extra adult supervision the entire time there as well as security.
Seventh grade: University of Arkansas Rich Mountain classrooms- All doors are locked and there will be additional adult supervision as well as security.
Eighth grade: Will remain at the High School.
If you have any questions of concerns, please feel free to call 479-637-4549.