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Thursday, March 13, 2025

AAA To Broadcast State Tournament Games

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NORTH LITTLE ROCK – The Arkansas Activities Association (AAA) in partnership with Mascot Media will be broadcasting live every 2021 state basketball tournament game up to the finals for all classifications 6A through 1A.

Due to potential capacity and travel restrictions related to COVID-19 at each host venue, the AAA felt it was important to ensure the parents, fans, students, and any stakeholder could watch their school participate in the tournament. This is made possible by the cooperation of all the host high schools, Fayetteville High School and Morrilton High School broadcast faculty and students, along with broadcasting partners East Arkansas Broadcasters Association, Natural State Sports, and Lake Area Sports; thank you to all of them.

How to Watch Games

All the games will be streamed on the new AAA app and on the new AAA broadcast website. The games will also be available at NFHS Network for a fee, on individual school apps and websites, and on the platforms of the broadcasting partners.

AAA App: Search “Arkansas Activities Association” in Apple AppStore or GooglePlay

AAA Broadcast Website: www.AAAScoreboard.com

NFHS: www.nfhsnetwork.com/associations/aaa

School Broadcasting Option

A school broadcast team may travel to stream their teams’ games provided they arrange the logistics and get approval in advance with the AAA and the broadcasting school pays the fee to the AAA in accordance with the playoff fee schedule. Please note that each game filmed by our broadcast partners will be sent to a school’s Mascot Media app or website (if available) in addition to the AAA app and website, so multiple viewing options are in place for each school. Playoff Rosters, Brackets, Digital Programs, and Scores Final playoff rosters with correct player numbers should be finalized in DragonFly before Sunday, February 28 if possible. The AAA app will display rosters along with game information for each team. If a roster is incomplete or incorrect in DragonFly, it will show up incomplete in the app.

Digital programs may also be created using these rosters and any roster or team photos you want to be included in any state tournament material should be submitted by February 28 to one of the contacts listed below. Real-time scoring and updated brackets will be available on the AAA app. Scores must be entered in SBLive following the game. If anyone needs assistance on this, please contact us. Also, a reminder that digital ticketing will be required for all games and can be accessed on the AAA app or via GoFan at www.gofan.co/app/school/AAA.

Link Summary:

AAA App: Search “Arkansas Activities Association” in Apple App Store or GooglePlay

AAA Website: www.AAAScoreboard.com

NFHS: www.nfhsnetwork.com/associations/aaa

GoFan: www.gofan.co/app/school/AAA


Derek Walter

Asst. Executive Director, AAA



Nicole Cunningham

Media Relations Asst., AAA



Blair Cartwright

Broadcast Manager, Mascot Media



Bobby Swofford

Media Specialist, Mascot Media



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