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Saturday, February 15, 2025

Council Votes 4-2 to Approve Fourth Police Officer Position; Increases Rural Fire Dues

Arkansas River Valley Business Directory

The Mansfield City Council met in regular session on Thursday night, January 23, 2025, at 6 p.m. All members of the council were present including Glen Hurt, James Steele, Julie Thomas, Beverly Lyons, Sheri Hopkins and Boyd Farmer. Also present, Mayor Buddy Black and Recorder/Treasurer Joy Maly.

After the approval of the minutes and financials of the previously held meeting, Mayor Black addressed the large crowd in attendance. “We would like to recognize the efforts of Zander Walters. His actions saved a human life on December 15, 2024. Your heroic actions will always be remembered.” Walters acted bravely and without regard to his own safety to save his neighbor, Sissie Payne, from a house fire. Walters was presented with a “Life Saving” award from the City of Mansfield, and a $50 gift card from the Chamber of Commerce. Walters family and friends were in attendance to witness the presentation. Also present, Payne, who expressed her heartfelt gratitude for Walters’ heroic actions. (See related story)

Following the presentation, the council heard the city services reports.

Fire Chief Michael Smith stated that they had a busy month with 52 total calls, nine fire and 43 medical. Smith stated that they have had to work on the heaters in both stations, and that the E One pumper was down due to the ABS braking system going out. Last, Smith stated that he needed to order AED batteries, pads, flashlights, and pike poles. Smith had gotten an estimate to purchase the batteries and pads for $2,116.53. The council voted to approve the purchase of those items. Smith stated he will get the estimates on the flashlights and pike poles.

Police Chief Wyatt McIntyre gave his report, noting a total of 16 traffic stops for the month. Those included three citations, and four warnings in Scott County and two citations and three warnings in Sebastian County. There were 17 total calls, four agency assists in Scott County and eight in Sebastian. There were four incident/arrest reports, one accident report, one school call, three medical and one fire call.

McIntyre displayed the “less lethal” option he stated agencies have moved to, JPX OC spray. He stated that he had been visiting with Lavaca Police Chief Randy Toon and sought the council’s permission to donate the department’s tasers to Lavaca. McIntyre noted that the officers will be receiving training on the use of these pepper guns.

Public Works Director Derrick Pollard presented his departmental report which included 154 service orders and eight One Call requests. Pollard stated that the R&R gas line project remains ongoing and is in the third stage. Lastly, Pollard noted that the new water pump/motor had come in and that they are working on that replacement.

Alderman Boyd stated that citizens had inquired about the city clearing streets after the snowfall. Pollard responded that they do not have the equipment to do it. Mayor Black noted that it had been done previously by the former public works director with his personal equipment.

The council then moved on to items of unfinished business, which included the approval of resolution 2025-1, resolution 2025-2, and resolution 2025-3. All three resolutions were passed unanimously.

In matters of new business, the approval of moving $20,801.21 from the waste fund to the general fund in order to pay former Police Chief Wayne Robb’s final pay, including accrued PTO time. The motion was made, seconded and passed unanimously.

Next, Mayor Black stated that the former recorder/treasurer had closed the city’s credit card account before leaving office and that the city needed one to use for normal business activities. The motion was made, seconded and passed unanimously to open a new credit card account at Farmer’s Bank.

The council then considered a mutual aid agreement for police with the City of Hartford. Mayor Black stated that the Hartford Mayor had contacted him during the time their police chief had been placed on administrative leave. After a brief discussion, the council ultimately decided to take no action. However, noted that the Mansfield Police Department would assist Hartford Police when needed.

In other matters of new business, the consideration of allowing D.L. Upton to live in a travel trailer on 6th street (not zoned for mobile housing). The council, however, decided against making the exception.

Additionally, the council discussed raising rural fire dues, noting the small percentage of those who are paying. Councilwoman Thomas made the motion to raise the annual rural fire dues from $40 to $50 a year.

Mayor Black suggested a future study session to consider water tap increases. The date of that study session is yet to be determined.

In the last item of new business, the council considered adding a fourth police officer. “We have discussed this ad nauseum,” stated Black. Members who had historically voted against the addition were open to the idea with the new chief in position. “Under the former leadership I was against hiring a fourth officer,” declared Councilwoman Thomas. “However, since that time I gave my word that I would vote for it, and I am going to stick to it.” Also voicing approval, Councilman Farmer.

“We did not give city employees raises because we said we did not have the money,” responded Councilwoman Sheri Hopkins. “I will not vote for it…This report (holding up the police report) does not demonstrate the need for a fourth police officer.” Councilman Steele countered Hopkins, asking is she was “waiting for the city to burn down.”

Farmer maintained that he would approve the addition in order to have 24-hour police coverage. Councilman Steele motioned to approve the fourth officer position, and Farmer seconded the motion.

Before an official vote, McIntyre addressed the council stating, “you all don’t know me very well, but I have worked hard to have a good reputation…I have had several people, one a veteran officer, let me know they want to work for me…I want to have training programs…small but mighty.”

Mayor Black inquired of McIntyre if those people would be willing to work part time. He responded that he had not asked but would. With a motion and a second on the floor to move forward with the addition of a full-time, fourth officer position, the roll call vote proceeded: FOR – Hurt, Thomas, Steele, and Farmer. AGAINST – Lyons and Hopkins. The motion passed, 4-2.

With no other items of business on the agenda, the meeting of the Mansfield City Council was adjourned.

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Tammy Teague
Tammy Teague
Tammy is the heart behind the brand. Her tenacity to curate authentic journalism, supported by a genuine heart is one her many wholesome qualities.
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