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Sunday, March 16, 2025

AFC Hosts Field Day

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On Friday, May 3, the Arkansas Forestry Commission hosted a field day for Waldron fifth graders.

The annual event took place at the Scott County Fairgrounds, and served as a way to introduce students to natural resource management. Representatives from the AFC as well as County Forest Ranger David Yandell presented a session on forestry compass and survey.

The Scott County Women’s Leadership Committee also participated in the Forestry Field Day. The committee shared information about products derived from trees, everything from lumber to food and everything in-between.

Committee President Laurie Richardson said, “This year we were very excited to have Jason Brown with West Fraser Timber company out of Mansfield at our station. He spoke to students about what he does as a Forester and the products that are produced at the Mansfield lumber mill. Mr. Brown chose a student to be the “tree” of each group, then showed the students how he looks at trees to make sure they are able to be used at West Fraser. He had each student look through the special prism he uses and he showed students how he measures the trees with his tape measure and then marks the location of the tree by GPS on his tablet. The lumber made at the West Fraser mill is shipped all over the world, from China to the Caribbean to right here in the U.S. A very cool fact he shared with our students is that the wooden roller coaster at Silver Dollar City was built from lumber that came from right here in Scott County.”

One hundred and twenty students participated in the field day. Those students received a Forestry Reader, Tree booklet, gum, and pencil from the SCBFWLC. Brown brought each student Pine Tree seeds and a West Fraser sticker.

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Tammy Teague
Tammy Teague
Tammy is the heart behind the brand. Her tenacity to curate authentic journalism, supported by a genuine heart is one her many wholesome qualities.
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