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ASBA Recognizes Mansfield Board Member

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The regular meeting of the Mansfield Board of Education was held at the Administration Building on February 23, 2021. Members present, Rick Nicodemus (Zoom), Michael Gipson, Dewayne Ward, Lesli Baggett, and Ronnie Black. Also present, staff members Kim Arnold, Donnie Eveld, Tim Cothran, Joe Staton, and Carol Reano.

The meeting was called to order by Gipson, School Board Vice-President, at 6:01 p.m.

IN THE MATTER OF: Consent Agenda Items

A motion was made by Gipson, seconded by Ward, to approve the consent agenda items as presented.

Voting for the motion:  Nicodemus, Gipson, Ward, Baggett, Black

Voting against the motion: 

Motion passed 5-0.

IN THE MATTER OF: Advertise for Mowing Bids

A motion was made by Baggett, seconded by Ward, to approve to advertise for mowing bids for the 2021 year.

Voting for the motion:   Nicodemus, Gipson, Ward, Baggett, Black

Voting against the motion: 

Motion passed 5-0.

IN THE MATTER OF: Audit – Review & Approval

A motion was made by Ward, seconded by Black, to approve the 2019-2020 audit as presented.

Voting for the motion:  Nicodemus, Gipson, Ward, Baggett, Black

Voting against the motion: 

Motion passed 5-0.

IN THE MATTER OF: Proposed Budget of Expenditures for 2022-2023

A motion was made by Gipson, seconded by Baggett, to approve the proposed budget of expenditures for 2022-2023.

 Voting for the motion:  Nicodemus, Gipson, Ward, Baggett, Black

Voting against the motion: 

Motion passed 5-0.

IN THE MATTER OF: 2021-2022 School Calendar

A motion was made by Gipson, seconded by Ward, to accept Staton’s recommendation to approve the school calendar for 2021-2022 as presented by the PPC meeting all requirements.

Voting for the motion:  Nicodemus, Gipson, Ward, Baggett, Black

Voting against the motion: 

Motion passed 5-0.

IN THE MATTER OF: 2021-2022 Salary Schedules – Certified & Classified

A motion was made by Ward, seconded by Baggett, to accept Staton’s recommendation to approve 2021-2022 salary schedules as presented meeting all salary requirements.

Voting for the motion:  Nicodemus, Gipson, Ward, Baggett, Black

Voting against the motion: 

Motion passed 5-0.

Executive session was requested by Staton at 6:13 p.m. for personnel matters.

The meeting was called back to order at 7:02 p.m.

IN THE MATTER OF: 2021-2022 Additional Duty Stipend Schedule

A motion was made by Nicodemus, seconded by Baggett, to accept Staton’s recommendation to approve the 2021-2022 additional duty stipend schedule as presented.

Voting for the motion:  Nicodemus, Gipson, Ward, Baggett, Black

Voting against the motion: 

Motion passed 5-0.

IN THE MATTER OF: Administrators Contract Renewal for 2021-2022

A motion was made by Ward, seconded by Black, to accept Staton’s recommendation to approve the 2021-2022 contract renewal for administrators Kim Arnold, Floyd Fisher, Donnie Eveld, and Tina Smith.   


A motion was made by Nicodemus, seconded by Gipson, to accept Staton’s recommendation to approve the contract change of Donnie Eveld as head softball coach and Tim Cothran as assistant softball coach for the 2020-2021 school year.

Voting for the motion:  Nicodemus, Gipson, Ward, Baggett, Black

Voting against the motion: 

Motion passed 5-0.

A motion was made by Nicodemus, seconded by Gipson, to accept Staton’s recommendation to hire Jordan Martin as athletic equipment manager for the 2020-2021 school year.

Voting for the motion:  Nicodemus, Gipson, Ward, Baggett, Black

Voting against the motion: 

Motion passed 5-0.


  • The district has returned from the virtual school days due to the snow.
  • Arnold gave an update on the elementary and Eveld updated on the high school.
  • Coach Cothran gave an update on the athletic programs and their success.
  • School Board Position #3, candidate filing period opened February 22 and closed March 1, 2021.
  • Staton recognized Gipson as a Master Board Member by Arkansas School Boards Association.

IN THE MATTER OF: Adjournment

A motion was made by Ward, seconded by Baggett, to adjourn the meeting at 7:49 p.m.

Voting for the motion:  Nicodemus, Gipson, Ward, Baggett, Black

Voting against the motion: 

Motion passed 5-0

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Tammy Teague
Tammy Teague
Tammy is the heart behind the brand. Her tenacity to curate authentic journalism, supported by a genuine heart is one her many wholesome qualities.
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