54.5 F
Fort Smith
Sunday, March 16, 2025

Chinese Egg Roll Fundraiser

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“My Family would like to help raise money for the Scott County Boys & Girls Club by selling Chinese egg rolls. Your hearty support is a for a god cause, and win-win situation, and deeply thanked, and appreciated. Our Chinese egg rolls are satisfaction guaranteed, or your money back” – Jim Sher

$10.00 per dozen. You can order them cooked, or uncooked. Chicken or Veggie. FREE Local Delivery!

Additionally, they will be setup at WalMart in Waldron this Friday, January 20th, from 8:00am – 5:00pm

You may place your orders by email, EMAIL , calling Jim at  479-207-0508, or Lorlla Wallace at 479-637-0125

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