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Sunday, March 16, 2025

Christmas Wishes from the Resident Press Staff

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Boyds-Christmas-Merry-RPKim Boyd-
At Christmas time, everyone seems to be very busy going from one activity to the other. There are parties, parades, concerts, and light shows. Its almost too busy and stressful at times.
But, if I could grant one Christmas wish from my family to yours it would be to wish you joy and happiness. Sounds simple, right? However, I realize sometimes Christmas can be the most depressing time of the year for some who are lonely, lost a love one, or struggling with depression.
At one point in my life, I was there. However, through the help and grace of God, I’m at a point in my life I found happiness and overwhelming joy. I still have bad days just like anyone else but I am finally content. I look for God moments to make me smile and realize I haven’t been forgotten. I look for “God winks” to let me know He is watching over my family.
So, this Christmas I want to wish you and your family, JOY! I pray you laugh until you cry! I pray you belly-roll laugh! I pray you laugh so hard you snort like a pig! I pray that you just smile! I pray that you look for little moments to make you smile and see what blessings you do have and not the ones you don’t. I pray you be blessed with happiness and lots of hugs! I pray you find joy in the moments you are stressed and happiness in the times you are sad.
We are only given one life, so choose joy! Don’t wish you would have or could have or think you might. I pray Jesus be the center of your life! Because through Him, all things all possible…. even finding joy unspeakable!
Philippians 4:4-5
4 Rejoice in the Lord always [delight, take pleasure in Him]; again I will say, rejoice! 5 Let your gentle spirit[your graciousness, unselfishness, mercy, tolerance, and patience] be known to all people. The Lord is near.
Megan Hecox- Megan-Hecox-family
Christmas is my families favorite time of the year only because it is my favorite time of the year. You see, my Birthday is on Christmas so naturally, I’m partial to the holiday. Adam and the kids chose Thanksgiving as their favorite holiday. But the beauty of it all is this. They endure the Christmas decorations and 24/7 Christmas music playing in the house and car and my nauseating cheery disposition not because they have to. But because of their love for me. It’s actually its own Christmas miracle. They stay quiet and keep the eye rolling to a minimal because they see the pure joy it gives me and that is a Christmas miracle in itself.
Darrell Spells-
May the Christmas spirit stay in your hearts throughput the year. Wishing you peace, joy, and hope.
Merry Christmas from the Spells family.
Tammy Moore Teague-Teague-family-Christmas
I’m basically that crazy Christmas lady who loves everything Christmas! I love the spirit of giving, the spirit of family and friends. Our family’s holiday is rich in tradition. I love to watch the look on my parent’s faces as they watch their children and grandchildren all gathered in our home, which is always filled with laughter this time of year. It’s also a time of gratitude for me! I am so blessed! 
So, looking forward to 2019, it is my wish for you and yours, that your home be filled with this same spirit throughout the new year! Merry Christmas!
Jack James-
I remember the time I got four wheels of cheese for Christmas. Cheese. None one cracker in the house. I cherish that Christmas and the memory of it warms my soul because it was given through sacrifice and love. I hope that you will hold this time close to your heart and feel the warmth of God’s love this holiday season. To all our readers, staff, advertisers and supporters, Merry Christmas!
Joe Hall-Hall-Christmas-wish-2018
I do wish for PEACE. Christmas is the season of peace. It is the day that God blessed the world with the Prince of Peace. I have been away from my family on Christmas on foreign battlefields and I know the loneliness that it is. I wish our Troops abroad Peace this Christmas Day. I wish our veterans who struggle each day a day of Peace. Even those who are home are often not really home. PTSD is real and I pray Gods peace over them. To the children of the broken families who struggle this season to make scenes of their circumstances, I pray for Peace. To the homeless in our country and around the world I pray God will keep them warm and provide His Peace. So, when I say “I wish for world peace” its not a cliché or just an easy answer. It’s not even the absence of hostilities, rather it is an absence of inner conflict. It means to have understanding that God will provide regardless of circumstances. It is a Peace that only the Father God can provide through His Gift to the world.

Most of my childhood memories stem from traveling to Rogers, Arkansas in a station wagon with no heat with my parents, decorating their drug store with colorful and festive art of various sizes, and the snowy Christmas Eve where I assisted my Dad in delivering prescriptions on 3-wheelers. Those memories bring a smile to my face because they all gave joy to someone else. Mom and Dad taught me the act of giving.
Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. That’s first and foremost. Secondly, it is and should be about sharing smiles, paying it forward, and giving the gift of kindness.
Our wish is to give. Giving doesn’t always include monetary means. It can in some forms be a smile, laughter, warmth and even changing someones perspective by greeting them with kindly opening a door.

“For it is in giving that we receive.” – Quote

From Lesli, Greyson, David, Brandy, myself, and the entire staff of Resident Press…….have a Merry Christmas!


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Tammy Teague
Tammy Teague
Tammy is the heart behind the brand. Her tenacity to curate authentic journalism, supported by a genuine heart is one her many wholesome qualities.
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