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City of Waldron Partners with ARDOT for Hwy. 71 Improvements and Break-In Access (part 1)

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By Tammy Moore Teague

In August the City of Waldron passed proposed Resolution No. 2018-04, which expressed the willingness of the city to partner with the Arkansas Department of Transportation for Highway 71 improvements, break-in access and Highway 80 improvements. The complete resolution reads in full:

WHEREAS, the City of Waldron (City) has expressed interest in partnering with the Arkansas Department of Transportation (Department) to obtain a new access break on Highway 71 (a partially controlled access facility between Highway 80 and 2nd Street; and

WHEREAS, the new break in access will enhance economic development within the City; and

WHEREAS, the City agrees to accept ownership and responsibility for the portion of Highway 80 between Highway 71 and Highway 71B upon completion of improvements to Highway 71 and Highway 80; and

WHEREAS, the Department has agreed to make improvements on Highway 71 to accommodate the break in access and to provide an overlay of the portion of Highway 80 to be transferred to the City; and

WHEREAS, these improvements will be contingent upon the concurrence of the Federal Highway Administration; and

WHEREAS, the Department will cover all costs and handle all phases of this project;


Section I:

The City will participate in accordance with its designated responsibilities as described above.

Section II

The Mayor, or his designated representative, is hereby authorized and directed to execute all appropriate agreements and contracts necessary to expedite the construction of this project.

Section III

The City pledges its full support and hereby request that the Arkansas Department of Transportation initiate action to implement this project.

THIS RESOLUTION passed and approved this 14th day of August 2018.

Mayor Neil Cherry was well-pleased with passage of the resolution. In a second part of this story, Cherry will explain how this decision will benefit the City of Waldron and its future economic growth.

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Tammy Teague
Tammy Teague
Tammy is the heart behind the brand. Her tenacity to curate authentic journalism, supported by a genuine heart is one her many wholesome qualities.
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