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Friday, March 14, 2025

Clean Cookin’ Partners with RVRFB to Distribute 1,700 Meals

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On Thursday, December 31, Stu’s Clean Cookin’ partnered with the River Valley Regional Food Bank to give away 1,700 meals to families in need.

“Food insecurity doesn’t stop just because it’s the holidays,” shared owner Stuart Rowland. “As a matter of fact, it’s more present than ever…2020 has been so hard on everyone. Let’s bring in 2021 with our focus on adding health instead of losing weight.”

Rowland, along with team members from the Greenwood location, Keith Dake and Caleb Bauer, participated in the distribution of the donated meals and fresh boxes of milk and produce. “It was such a wonderful experience to be out there giving back to the people within our community and surrounding area. This is what we do, we pride ourselves on helping others. That is the framework in which Stu has built this brand off of. So keep in mind, every dollar you spend with us, a portion is going back to feed those people who may be struggling with a variety of issues that life tends to throw at us. Just another reason to support local businesses, we actually care about the people around us and want to continue to support our community and it’s people.”

Although the brand continues to expand, Rowland has continued to keep community and charity at the heart of the operation. “Elisa Smiles,” a suicide prevention campaign, is part of that outreach. Others include donations to emergency services and food for those in need.

Stu’s Clean Cookin’ has several locations, including Greenwood and Fort Smith. To learn more, and to check out their menu, visit their Facebook page. They offer 24-hour ordering for scheduled curbside pickup through their website.

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Tammy Teague
Tammy Teague
Tammy is the heart behind the brand. Her tenacity to curate authentic journalism, supported by a genuine heart is one her many wholesome qualities.
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