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Fort Smith
Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Council Tasked With Interim Mayor Appointment

Arkansas River Valley Business Directory

By Tammy Moore Teague
The Hartford City Council is charged with the task of appointing an interim mayor at a special meeting to be held Thursday, May 24. This appointment comes as former mayor Roy Shankle resigned citing health reasons.
The council met in regular session on Monday evening, but decided to call a special meeting in order to interview candidates vying for the position. Those candidates include: Alderman Raye Morgan, Mary Radley, Joseph Tatro and Damon Yates.
City Recorder/Treasurer Judy Adair is serving as acting mayor until the council makes the appointment. Adair said she will be in touch with the Municipal League to ensure the vote at a special meeting is permissible.
This will make the third mayoral appointment for the city within the last three and a half years. “The mayor’s job is 24 hours a week at minimum wage,” said Adair. Pointing out that, in reality, the responsibilities are much more. Responsibilities that include hiring city employees. “I’d like to have input in whoever we hire,” questioned Alderman Ina Layne said. Former Mayor Shankle had previously discussed and received council approval to make those personnel decisions, stating that any responsibility or liability would fall to him not the council. “Our job is not to micromanage,” said Councilman Lanny Woodhull.
Whoever the council chooses to serve as interim mayor will fulfill the remainder of Shankle’s term, then voters will have a say in the November election.

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