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Sunday, March 16, 2025

Easter Basket Alternatives

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Easter is coming up really quickly! Now is the time to work on Easter basket gifts. Rather than a traditional basket I embarked on a mission to see just what could function as an Easter basket.

Rain boots! If your kiddo needs them for all their muddy puddle jumping that comes with the spring stash full of goodies and you’re good to go!

Umbrella! Umbrellas are so fun for kids. Why not pop one open and stuff with the other gifts. 

Watering can! Perfect for the budding gardeners.

Sand bucket! Don’t worry about storage, just use out in the sand box.

Toddler swing! The perfect container that also provides loads of entertainment!

Dump truck! So much fun for the future construction workers.

Kids pool! A great way to give multiple kids their Easter gifts.

Potty! A bit different, but if you are like me and have a child on the verge of potty training this would be a fun way to introduce the potty.

Ball cap! What a great way to continue the tradition with an older boy.

Mixing bowl! Have a child that enjoys baking? The perfect Easter basket is really a bowl.

If your children already have an Easter basket for egg hunting grabbing a storage container of a different kind is the way to go! Having a gift that is useful more than just once a year is something we always prioritize. 

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Madison VanRavensway
Madison VanRavensway
Don't let her quiet nature fool you. Madison is a force to be reckoned with in the outdoors, or creating amazing recipes from scratch.
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