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Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Finance Director Reports on Positive City Water/Sewer Audit

Arkansas River Valley Business Directory

The Greenwood City Council met in regular session on Monday evening, January 1 at 7 p.m. Members present- Ralph Meeker, Lance Terry, Tim Terry, and A.C. Brown. Aldermen Rod Powell and Daniel McDaniel were absent. Also present, Mayor Doug Kinslow and City Clerk/Treasurer Sharla Derry.

After approving the minutes of the previous meetings, the council heard the committee reports.

A representative with the Sebastian County Boys and Girls Club was present and reported a “skyrocketing” number of kids with the after-school program. He went on to share about the current flag football drafts and ongoing basketball and future baseball signups. He concluded by expressing his gratitude towards the city, “we appreciate everything you all do for us.”

Next in the citizen’s forum, Councilman Tim Terry read a comment from Mark Anderson. “He wondered if I would ask tonight what the city council would like to do with any additional funds the city receives as a result of the census count.” Mayor Kinslow responded that the question was difficult to answer until if and when that happens.

Next, Michael Jones from Hackett addressed the council regarding the lack of residential development. He reaffirmed his offer to the city for future possible development on 68 acres of land above Maple Ridge. “We are very invested in the community,” stated Jones. “We think it would benefit the city in a large way.” Kinslow agreed and stated that there has been ongoing conversations regarding the issue.

Finance Director Tom Marsh

Next, Tom Marsh gave the financial report. Following Marsh’s favorable financial report on the city, the council moved on to new items of business.

Planning and Development Director Sonny Bell

Mayor Kinslow asked to table the first item of new business, an amendment to Ordinance #502 prohibiting loud and unnecessary noises. The next item, the adoption of a curative amendment to Ordinance #18-09 zoning regulations, was passed unanimously.

The 2019 water/sewer audit review was presented. Marsh discussed “mitigating controls,” or issues within the audit that are common for cities the size of Greenwood. Other issues noted included accounts receivable balances and meter deposit payables. The last issue dealt with the 2016 bonds to fund and agree to maintain at least 110% coverage of the debt service requirement for each fiscal year. In 2019, the fund had a shortage of $125,000. “It requires us to put in place a plan in order to resolve that issue,” stated Marsh. The city is in technical compliance because they have in reserve the entire amount of the principal balance assigned for that purpose. In conclusion, Marsh stated that the findings showed a “clean opinion…with no problems with management…and a very well-received audit.” The council voted unanimously to accept the audit report.

The next item of discussion, the resolution to amend Resolution 117-18, a salary schedule adjustment for COLA. The motion was made, seconded, and passed to make the amendment.

The council discussed and approved the following non-profit contracts: Chamber of Commerce, SRCA (Sebastian Retired Citizens Association), Boys and Girls Club, and the Sebastian County Library.

The last three items of new business pertained to salary schedules. A motion was made and seconded to repeal Ordinance #20-24 and amend Ordinance #16-09, amending the city clerk/treasurer’s salary. The motion was made and seconded to amend ordinance #20-03, adjusting the salary for the city attorney. And finally, the motion was made and seconded to amend the ordinance adjusting the salary for the mayor. Each amendment was passed unanimously.

Next, the council heard the departmental reports. Police Chief William Dawson presented his report, which included information about a new patrol vehicle. The council also discussed the proposed annexation, favoring the Shadow Lake area, and Highway 10 to Hendrix Road, south.

With no other items of business, the meeting of the Greenwood City Council adjourned.

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Tammy Teague
Tammy Teague
Tammy is the heart behind the brand. Her tenacity to curate authentic journalism, supported by a genuine heart is one her many wholesome qualities.
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