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Sunday, March 16, 2025

First Annual Flag Day Ceremony Held in Scott County

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Contributed article by Cassie Coben

On June 14, Scott County celebrated its first Flag Day Ceremony, hosted by the John Tolleson American Legion Post 46 and Ouachita Mountain VFW Post 1345.

Opening prayer was offered by the program Master of Ceremonies, Pastor Greg Shively. Danville Scouts Pack 170 and Troop 170 along with Waldron Scout Troop 59 presented the Color Guard and assisted with the disposal of the retired flags. Scout members would respectfully carry a folded flag to the Veteran participants, who in turn, would present the flags to other members to be placed on a ceremonial fire. The ritual of honor was carried out while Johnny Cash’s Ragged Old Flag was played. For the final flags, WHS Bugler, Owen Ridenhour played “To The Colors”.

The American Legion and VFW Posts would like to thank everyone who attended and look forward to next year’s ceremony. A special thanks to each of the participants: Danville Scouts Pack 170 and Troop 170, Waldron Scout Troop 59, Owen Ridenhour, Waldron Fire Department, Waldron Rural Fire Deptartment, Waldron Police Department and Ouachita Mountain VFW Post 1345 Auxiliary. Also to Scott County Judge James Forbes, Waldron Mayor David Millard and Cheyenne Pottridge. Donations by local businesses to the veterans and scouts were greatly appreciated. Those included: Farmer’s CO-OP, Back 40, Harp’s, Sims Building Material, True Value, and photos by Darlene Wood.

Photo courtesy of Darlene Wood
Photo courtesy of Darlene Wood
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Tammy Teague
Tammy Teague
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