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Fort Smith
Friday, March 14, 2025

Fishing News From Around the State

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We’re still battling the elements in many places around Arkansas. The Arkansas River is running fast and high still. Another big rain on Tuesday put a rise to lake levels. Little Red River wade-fishing regulars are still waiting for the generation to slow down at Greers Ferry Dam. Fish can’t figure out the wide-ranging temps anymore than the anglers can.
Here are some news items worth nothing, though:
* Ralph Donnangelo, superintendent at Lake Fort Smith State Park, says the park’s new courtesy dock is completed and ready for use. 
* Guide Austin Kennedy said Wednesday that the Corps of Engineers were able to shut the gates at Beaver Lake Dam. Until then, with flood gates open a foot at the dam, fishing had been “kinda tricky,” he said, in the Beaver Lake tailwater. One of his clients landed a nice 19.5-inch rainbow, though. “If you hit the right area with the right baits, you could catch some fish,” Austin said. “Most of the trout were caught between the Highway 62 bridge and Spider Creek, and on light terminal tackle.” The walleye spawn is getting close there, he added.
* Guide Shane Goodner, owner of Catch’em All Guide Service, reports that open flood gates and extremely high generation flows have continued for another week as heavy rainfall plagues the Carpenter Dam tailwater at the upper end of Lake Catherine. Fishing has stopped below Carpenter Dam in the treacherous conditions, he said. Entergy has scheduled this discharge pattern in an attempt to keep area lakes at the winter drawdown levels and to draw Lake Ouachita out of flood pool. Muddy water and very fast flows have been the norm for weeks on Lake Catherine and all anglers are advised to remain off the water until conditions return to normal. The drawdowns at lakes Hamilton and Catherine end on March 1. When the rain ends is another matter altogether.

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Tammy Teague
Tammy Teague
Tammy is the heart behind the brand. Her tenacity to curate authentic journalism, supported by a genuine heart is one her many wholesome qualities.
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