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Friday, February 7, 2025

Fraud Charges Filed in Potter Case

Arkansas River Valley Business Directory

By Tammy Moore Teague
In the ongoing case of Potter vs. Holmes, a new lawsuit has been filed on Fred Potter’s behalf by attorney, Roy Gean III. The lawsuit alleges the signed documents, previously filed in the case, were forgeries.
The documents include the May 2018 amendment to the “Fred Potter Revocable Living Trust of September 2004,” a signature card on an interest earning account with Community National Bank of Waldron, and a Bill of Sale.
Each of these were submitted as evidence in the case after Potter’s attorney retained court-qualified forensic document examiner, Brenda Petty. Petty found that “based on the documents submitted and upon thorough analysis of these documents…that the signatures of Fred/Fredrick Potter and Betty Potter…are not genuine.”
The latest charges were filed in Crawford County, civil court. The next court hearing on July 12 is set in Scott County to discuss attorney’s fees in the case. Meanwhile, proponents are organizing a Veteran’s Walk in Solidarity in Little Rock. The event is scheduled to take place at the capital’s rotunda on August 4 from 9:30 a.m.-2 p.m.
Thomas Hudson, known as the walking veteran and advocate for veterans, said “The Fred Potter case is one that no one can turn their eye from. Not only is Fred a senior citizen, he is a fellow veteran. As founder of VeteransMarch,org I brought the veterans together using their talents and skills to stand up to an injustice that effects us all. The Waldron Walk in Solidarity gave us an insight of how in a few days solidarity can be demonstrated. A result of that solidarity gave birth to a new organization, VeteransWalkinSplidarity.com. Our next event will be August 4th in Little Rock. We will walk to the state capitol to present proposed legislation to prevent what has happened to Fred Potter. Fred Potter Senior Citizen Financial Protect is for All senior citizens in the great state of Arkansas.” 
Veteran’s Walk is comprised of military veterans, their families, supporters and friends. “Veterans from all branches of service are dedicated to solidarity, and making that walk-in solidarity to bring awareness, and to support, inspire, and offer encouragement for our brothers and sisters who served their country. Together we will come together in solidarity.”
If you are interested in learning more about this event, you can go to the Veterans Walk In Solidarity website.

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Tammy Teague
Tammy Teague
Tammy is the heart behind the brand. Her tenacity to curate authentic journalism, supported by a genuine heart is one her many wholesome qualities.
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