When you travel down Highway 253 outside of Greenwood, about 6 miles at MacKenay Road, you will find among the small farms an open field with rows upon rows of vegetable plants and a big sign at the edge of the road, named after the area Diffy Mountain.

Jeff Dillon has gardening in his blood, his family gardened on a large scale for many years. Now that he has retired, he wants to provide this area with fresh produce.

Over the last 3 years, the vegetables and fruit Diffy’s provides has increased and recently they upgraded an old building on the property so that everything is kept cool once it has been harvested.
Inside you will find shelves and bins of produce like green peppers, jalapenos, tomatoes, potatoes, yellow squash, zucchini, cucumbers, butternut and scallop squash, watermelon, sweet peppers, poblano peppers, hot banana peppers and more as the produce ripens. Peaches are also available, even though the strawberries, blueberries and blackberries are already past season. Okra and spaghetti squash will be ready in a week or two.

Finding fresh produce in this area can be challenging, especially with the recent floods in May. Jeff had to replant his fields because of the weather, so there has been some delay in planting and harvesting. So, he has other regional sources where he can obtain other vegetables as well as fruits in season and you will find them when he can.
As for the prices, they are very affordable, more so than what you will find at the grocery stores. And the flavor is like trading a dime for a dollar as everything is picked when ready and not before.
Just a country boy, Jeff enjoys talking about what he loves to do, gardening, and making sure people have fresh produce to cook with and eat fresh, which he says is important for health.