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Tuesday, October 22, 2024

From Pee Wees to Mama Eagles, New Paris Football Coach Rapidly Building Community Support

Arkansas River Valley Business Directory

When Jeff Weaver was hired late last spring by the Paris School Board as its next head football coach, Weaver brought to Paris the reputation of being a football program builder. And in very short time, Weaver has already began to build community-wide support for the Eagles football program at all grade levels. While some coaches may speak of the need for community support of their programs, Weaver has already taken big steps in making that concept a reality for Eagles football.

A week ago, Paris hosted a Pee Wee football camp over two evenings at Eagles Stadium. Future Eagles from grades 3-6 were on hand in large numbers to go through the two-day camp. The camp consisted of individual drills in fundamentals that included blocking, running, throwing the football, and in team play where the young Eagles had the opportunity to run high school plays under the stadium lights. The camp has been enthusiastically supported by kids, parents, and fans of the program throughout Paris. In fact, participation numbers in the entire football program are growing, and this, in my opinion, is a direct response to the priority Coach Weaver has placed on including everyone in the Eagles football program.

But, it doesn’t end here. This Tuesday night, Weaver will host a night for senior football players and their moms in an event dubbed as “Moms 101”. On this night, Weaver and the Eagles coaching staff will coach the moms in their sons’ football positions with their sons assisting by holding tackling dummies and other assistive tasks with the coaches. It is yet another way to bring another group of community members into the Eagles flock, gathering support for the program. By looking at the response on social media, the event is anxiously anticipated by many in the community, and it should be a lot of fun for everyone involved.

Of course, the time is rapidly approaching for the Eagles staff to turn their attention back to preseason preparation for the Eagles football opener at Lavaca on August 27. Weaver has been happy with his team as they exited spring practice with a lot of work accomplished in installing a new offense, and continuing on to summer workouts and camps. The Eagles will now move into the next phase of polishing their game and eventually moving into game-week preparations for the Golden Arrows.

Resident Press will be at Eagles Stadium on Tuesday to bring you coverage of the first “Moms 101” event. Look for this story Wednesday night in Resident Press. Additional photos will also be available on Facebook at Paris Eagles Sports.

So, Eagles moms, I hope you are stretching, working out, and hydrating to get ready for you big night on Tuesday! And as always, Resident Press will be there to bring our readers the action!

See you at the stadium!

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