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Friday, March 14, 2025

Gardening from Scraps

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We all know seeds grow vegetables, but did you know some vegetables (and fruit) can regrow from scraps? I find this fascinating! I also love doing it in my own kitchen.

Green onions- save the bulb of your onions, place them in water, and watch the green shoot back up!

Celery- leave an inch or two at the base when cutting the stalks. Place in direct sunlight in water for about a week, once the green stalks have good growth on them transfer to soil.

Romaine lettuce and Bok Choy- save the bottom of your lettuce or bok choy and like celery, place in water until regrowth begins and then move to soil.

Leeks- leeks are regrown like onions, leave about two inches at the bottom when cutting. The size of leeks means they take longer to regrow.

Pineapple- its important to keep in mind it can take two years on average to get fruit from a pineapple tree.

When cutting a pineapple twist off the leaves, then tear off the bottom few leaves that were closest to the pineapple. Place in water for two to three weeks until a good root system has started. Transplant into well draining soil and research pineapple care!

With prices skyrocketing getting the most out of any and all food is of utmost importance. See what you can regrow on your kitchen counter!

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Madison VanRavensway
Madison VanRavensway
Don't let her quiet nature fool you. Madison is a force to be reckoned with in the outdoors, or creating amazing recipes from scratch.
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