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Fort Smith
Saturday, March 15, 2025

Gardening Hacks

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10 Gardening Hacks

1 Hang red ornaments on your tomatoes while they are still green to trick birds into pecking them rather than eating your tomatoes.

2 Toilet paper tubes make great seed starters that can go straight in the dirt when transplanting. 

3 Place a coffee filter over the holes in flower pots to save the soil from leaking out but still allow drainage.

4 Use zip ties to train your runners to their supports. 

5 Post hole diggers make quick work of digging holes to plant in. 

6 Coffee grounds deter pests that may try to eat your plants. Sprinkle some around the roots to keep ants and slugs away.

7 Use honey to propagate roots- the enzymes in honey act as rooting hormone and speed up your cutting taking roots

8 Use newspaper to choke out weeds- wet newspaper and place around plants before laying mulch to stop new growth.

9 Take an old muffin pan and mash straight into the dirt when direct sewing seeds. Perfectly spaced holes have never been easier!

10 Have a problem with aphids? Orange peels are an excellent, natural deterrent. 

Happy gardening!

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Madison VanRavensway
Madison VanRavensway
Don't let her quiet nature fool you. Madison is a force to be reckoned with in the outdoors, or creating amazing recipes from scratch.
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