48.4 F
Fort Smith
Sunday, March 16, 2025

God is in the Details

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Having a bug obsessed kid means that I’m always looking around me when I’m outside. He loves when we find little creatures, especially different ones.

Recently I have introduced him to inch worms, one of my favorite little things. Today as we played outside I found the tiniest inch worm I have ever seen. As soon as Jensen took it, it fell off the leaf.

He wandered back to what he had been doing before my discovery and I thought about the significance of tiny things. Of course I see God in the big, elaborate creations of His. In the intricate ways we as humans work, and the miracles in lives of those who are sick and healed. I love the light that comes on in the eyes of fellow believers when they talk about what God has done for them. But I also really see God in the tiniest of details. In the way drops form on flowers as if placed there by His hand. The way mother birds know to make a nest and care for their young. And yes, even in the teeny tiniest of little inch worms, working their way along, eating a piece of clover.

“For in him all things were created:things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him.” -Colossians 1:16

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Madison VanRavensway
Madison VanRavensway
Don't let her quiet nature fool you. Madison is a force to be reckoned with in the outdoors, or creating amazing recipes from scratch.
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