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Fort Smith
Friday, March 14, 2025

Grocery Price Comparisons

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Grocery prices have been skyrocketing, and I was curious if Aldi is still giving me the best price.  This is a less thorough analysis than I wanted to do, but even just knowing a few prices seemed like it would be helpful so I decided to push forward. I compared prices from Aldi on Phoenix Ave in Fort Smith, Walmart on Rogers Ave in Fort Smith, Target in Fort Smith, and Harps in Waldron. 

All prices are for store brand items. Waldron Harps is my local store, prices may differ if shopping at the Fort Smith Harps or others. Due to me living in Waldron, it was the best price comparison. After all, I wanted to see how much, if anything, driving for groceries saves my family. Prices were noted on 8/13 and 8/14.

One dozen medium eggs

Aldi $2.56

Walmart $2.08

Target $1.99

Harps $2.98

Loaf of white Bread

Aldi $.98

Walmart $1.00

Target $1.89

Harps $1.68

Gallon of Whole Milk

Aldi $3.56

Walmart $3.56

Target $3.59

Harps $4.80

Butter 16 oz salted

Aldi $3.86

Walmart $3.98

Target $3.99

Harps $4.28

80/20 Ground beef, 1lb 

Aldi $3.99

Walmart $5.23

Target ?- unable to find for drive up order 

Harps $4.48

Frozen chicken breasts

Aldi $2.98/lb 

Walmart $2.99/lb

Target $3.07

Harps $5.19/lb

Mini muffins 8.25oz 

Aldi $2.99

Walmart $3.94

Target $2.79

Harps $4.59

Total cost 

Aldi $20.92

Walmart $22.78

Target $17.32 (less because does not include ground beef)

Harps $28.00

This list is far from exhaustive. There were many things I didn’t have the chance to note the cost of at Aldi. Produce is often a very good deal depending on sales at Aldi. Grapes were $.99/lb at Aldi compared to $1.58/lb at Walmart. However, if you are closer to a Walmart or interested in grocery pickup the convenience that pickup offers without a spike in prices outweighs the small savings from Aldi. 

Aldi does have good prices on things I didn’t compare, especially diapers and pet foods. The diapers alone almost make it worth it. They have 100 packs for under $11, and the absorbency is quite good. 

In comparison I was surprised at Target being more comparable. Despite not having ground beef and their chicken being more expensive, they had the best price on eggs and mini muffins. Depending on your shopping desires, it might not be a bad idea to go to Target. A very interesting find to me!

Waldron, like many towns we have readers from, is extremely limited on its grocery shopping options. I don’t have a solution, and highlighting the problem is not likely to create one. It does help inform about the difference in prices and allow readers to make informed decisions about the savings on groceries that can then be compared to each individual’s lifestyles and gas mileage. Maybe the convenience of hometown shopping, or using less gas is better. Informed decisions are always the best decisions. 

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Madison VanRavensway
Madison VanRavensway
Don't let her quiet nature fool you. Madison is a force to be reckoned with in the outdoors, or creating amazing recipes from scratch.
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