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Fort Smith
Sunday, March 16, 2025

Habits to Boost Your Mood

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In past years around my Birthday I shared things I had learned in however many years of life. In preparation for my Birthday in 2023 I reread my past articles, and decided for turning 28 I had nothing to share.

I feel like I’m always behind, but when I try to think of who I’m behind, I fall short on coming up with who is ahead. Sometimes staying at home feels like ground hog day. 

Rather than wallowing in my mental swamp I seem to be in during these winter months, I started thinking on things I’ve heard to do to help it feel like I am accomplishing things. More often than not I get to the end of the day and wonder what I’ve done all day. Despite being exhausted and knowing I’ve done a lot, the house doesn’t show it.

The first thing I would like to adopt, especially on the days my brain is being really mean, is making a “done list”. To-do lists are so last year! (Or not, if it works for you. Keep making your lists!) But the satisfaction of a to-do list is checking off the list, skip the first list and instead write down the tasks completed. Fed your child/dog/self a snack? Check. Brushed your teeth? Check. Broke up a sibling quarrel? Check. Check check check. Write it down, check it off if the check makes you happy. Write as many or as few tasks as works for you! If you’re like me, you will be shocked to see how much you are accomplishing in a day just on auto pilot.

The second idea was looking for “glimmers” these are small moments in a day that bring you happiness. The perfect cup of coffee. A beautiful sunrise. A hug or someone reaching out to hold your hand. My two year old telling me my hair is pretty even though she usually tells me it needs “ficked”. A bunch of patterns mixed together like a patchwork quilt. Glimmers, sparks, shimmers, happy moments, little pockets of sunshine- rename it. Embrace it. Look for those moments, not the bad ones. Instant mood boosts! If you journal, write some down! 

If you’re going into 2024 and your mental health isn’t where it should be, and it’s not just winter blues, I encourage you to talk more to your doctor about it! If you are feeling suicidal I would like to take this time to share 988 is the phone number to call for the suicide hotline in the states. Please reach out, life is better with you in it. 

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Madison VanRavensway
Madison VanRavensway
Don't let her quiet nature fool you. Madison is a force to be reckoned with in the outdoors, or creating amazing recipes from scratch.
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