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Thursday, March 13, 2025

Hackett School District Sets New Vaping Policy

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When Hackett students return to school following Christmas break, there will be a new policy in place by school officials, who hope to curb the vaping epidemic.

The policy, which was adopted at the last school board meeting, will be in effect on January 6. High School principal Michael Freeman said “as a district, we feel that vaping has serious immediate negative health effects on students, as well as harmful long-term effects. The new policy has stronger consequences for students that possess or use vape products on school campus or school trips. We will continue to look for ways to keep our students safe and hope this policy will encourage students to avoid vaping.”

The new policy adopted by the board reads as follows:


Since it is generally understood that e-cigarette (vape) use can be harmful to one’s health, it shall be the policy of the Hackett Board of Education that all students shall be aware of the physical/mental effects of the use of e-cigarette (vape) products.

The smoking, use, or possession of e-cigarette (vape) products in any form in or on any property owned or leased by a public school district, including buses or at any location on a school-sponsored trip at any time is prohibited. Prohibition on the school campus includes use by students, staff, and school visitors. The prohibition includes any product that is manufactured, distributed, marketed or sold as e-cigarettes, e-cigars, e-pipes, or under any other name or descriptor.

ACT 1331 authorizes school personnel to confiscate and immediately destroy e-cigarette (vaping) products in the possession of persons under the age of 21.

Students who violate this policy may be subject to legal proceedings in addition to student disciplinary measures. The following penalties will result:

1st offense: 2 days out-of-school suspension and 2 days in-school suspension.
2nd offense: 3 days out-of-school suspension and 3 days in-school suspension, police will be notified with student subject to legal proceedings in addition to any student disciplinary measures.
3rd offense: 5 days out-of-school suspension and 5 days in-school suspension, police will be notified with student subject to legal proceedings in addition to any student disciplinary measures.
Additional offenses: disciplinary measures as determined by the principal, police notification, and/or expulsion.

Additionally, the school has a new emergency hotline set up. This allows anyone to submit confidential tips regarding self-harm, weapons on campus and/or serious threats of violence toward students and staff. The school urges anyone who is aware of such threats, to text “hacketttips” to 226787.

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Tammy Teague
Tammy Teague
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