It was beautiful weather on Saturday, September 30, perfect for a day in the park. At 2 p.m. the City of Hartford hosted a ribbon cutting ceremony at McClung Music Park.
The project has been in the works since the city received a $100,000 fun park grant in December 2022. The grant funded the installation of play equipment, sunshade, interactive musical play structures, and site amenities.
Western Arkansas Planning and Development’s Tracee McKenna was present for the ribbon cutting ceremony and the day’s festivities, which included food, a raffle, and firetruck tours. McKenna worked closely with current Recorder/Treasurer Danielle Woodard, throughout the grant process.

Hartford Mayor Richard Hartsfield swore in a “Mayor for the Day,” Kyla Heck. Heck assisted Woodard in the ceremonial ribbon cutting.
McClung Music Park is located at the old Hartford Elementary School building on West Main and Maple Street.
John Alexander McClung
McClung joined the army during World War I where he was awarded the Purple Heart during action in France. After his honorable discharge from the army, he moved to Hartford and attended the Hartford Music Institute. He then became an instructor and later purchased the Hartford Music Company & Institute. He traveled all over the United States with his singing schools and the Hartford Quartet of which he was a member. He wrote over 300 published songs, his most noteworthy being “Standing Outside” and “Just A Rose Will Do.” He published church song books that are still in use today, his last being “Living Faith” copyrighted in 1942. In April 1992 he was inducted into the Gospel Music Hall of Fame for his accomplishments in gospel music.