School spirit starts with participation, and ends with community involvement. Both were in full effect at last night’s Homecoming “White Out” Bonfire pep rally.
The band lit up the enthusiasm, and the growing crowd reacted with cheers. Tiger Pride is alive and well, and growing.
If you weren’t there, then you missed an amazing time!
Special thanks goes to the Mansfield Fire Dept., MHS Administration, Parents, Students, MHS Band, MHS Cheer, MHS Athletes, and all of our Mansfield Tiger Fans for making this event AWESOME! Coach Keith Stovall makes a statement, which included a challenge to the Tiger Football squad, MHS cheer, students, and band. More on that this coming Friday. Paint it Red? Mansfield Tiger Cheer were on point last night as the MHS Band played the fight song, followed by fan favorites. Great job to both! The bonfire is LIT! As the bonfire roars, so does the band, cheer, and students. GO TIGERS! An MHS Cheerleader is silhouetted against the bonfire. The “WHITE OUT” went off with a bang! Clouds of white filled the air as students cheered on. An amazing sight to behold. The calm after the storm.