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Fort Smith
Friday, March 14, 2025

Homemade Kids Chest Rub

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My kids just recovered from the flu, and by just recovered I mean it’s been a few days, but I have no idea how many. All the days sort of blur together and I don’t know what day of the week it is anymore. That makes it interesting when it comes to singing days of the week because we homeschool and try to pinpoint what day it is. 

I do know it’s January still. January is a whole year in itself, and the rest of the year flies by. January takes up 216 out of the 366 days of the year. 

That was a whole monologue. I don’t usually do that much, but you get the idea. Lot of sickness, January bad too many days. It’s probably your life too, and if not, count your blessings.

Rabbit trail.

Okay, now I’ll find my point again. Nothing was helping the kids’ coughs, except Vicks which we only had a tiny bit of. Then I remembered a family friend made us some homemade Vicks when my oldest was a baby, so I went on a hunt for a recipe.

If you have essential oils you should be set to fix this up! (EO stands for Essential Oil)


-1/8 cup coconut oil

-4 drops tea tree EO

-2 drops thyme EO

-2 drops lavender EO

-2 drops Frankincense EO

-2 drops lemon EO


Melt coconut oil in a small pan (I melted mine right in my jar by setting the jar with the coconut oil in the boiling water)

Heat until just melted, remove from stove.

Allow to cool for 5 minutes, you want it to be liquid but less hot to preserve the oils potency.

Add essential oils and stir well.

Store in a cool place for up to a year.

To use rub on chest, back, or feet to aid in cough and congestion relief.

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Madison VanRavensway
Madison VanRavensway
Don't let her quiet nature fool you. Madison is a force to be reckoned with in the outdoors, or creating amazing recipes from scratch.
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