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Fort Smith
Sunday, March 16, 2025

Iced Coffee in 1 Minute

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It wasn’t until I had my second child that I understood the beauty of coffee. I’ve always enjoyed a cup here and there, but I didn’t *need* it until I had two children. The time change only furthered my need, we were sleeping until 8 am, now we sleep until 6:30. I don’t know why the extra thirty minutes- my theory is just to make me insane. So now I’m just in a zombie state without coffee. I digress.

I’m a huge fan of iced coffee. I sort of just chug coffee. I don’t understand sipping on it for a long time, I just drink it really fast. So I like not having to wait on it to not scald my mouth. Plus iced coffee has a smoothness and flavor hot coffee does not.

This recipe is for ICED coffee, not cold brew. Cold brew is brewed longer. (Though I do love cold brew and need to mix some of that up soon!) Actually, this is made from instant coffee, rather than traditional coffee grounds, which is why I can’t make it in under a minute.


-Instant coffee -Sugar -Milk -Water -Ice -Vanilla

The amount of everything can be tweaked to taste, and that is why I didn’t put exact measurements with the ingredients. I do 1 cup of hot water. I just get hot water from the tap, but you could always boil or microwave your water. I add 2 teaspoons of instant coffee and 2 tablespoons of sugar. Those are different amounts, TEAspoons coffee, TABLEspoons sugar. I’ve made the mistake of switching the amounts, don’t be like me it was very strong. Mix those in first so they will fully dissolve. Now I add 3/4 cup of whole milk- but any kind of milk works here! Then I add 2 teaspoons of vanilla flavoring- you can add any syrup or flavoring you like! This is a very loose and easy to adapt recipe which I love! Last I add ice, I just grab some, I don’t have a measurement on this. Stir, stir, stir between each thing you add. And enjoy!

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Madison VanRavensway
Madison VanRavensway
Don't let her quiet nature fool you. Madison is a force to be reckoned with in the outdoors, or creating amazing recipes from scratch.
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