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Saturday, March 15, 2025

Incumbent Looks to Remain Sheriff

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By Tammy Moore Teague
Scott County Sheriff Randy Shores is in his second year of his term. Along the way he has made many improvements to the department, which he is very proud of. In the 2018 election, voters will decide if Shores will remain Sheriff, this time for four years.
When he came in on the job, few officers had bullet proof vests. He said those who did have them, had old, outdated ones. So, within his first three months of office, Shores was able to purchase new vests. Additionally, Shores was able to secure a grant that purchased a 3/4 ton 4×4 Dodge pickup truck. “Scott County has 11,000 miles of dirt road,” Shores explained. “It doesn’t make much sense to buy cars that can’t get through a lot of the areas we patrol.”
Within the first year, Shores saved the department time and resources by sending one of the deputies to become an instructor. This certification allows them to train in-house for weapons, jail standards and self-defense.
In July of this year, he hired an extra deputy that allowed them to cover 24 hour shifts, 7 days a week. “One of the things I am really proud of is us having a officer on duty from midnight-6 a.m. during the week and from 2 p.m.-6 p.m. on the weekends,” he explained. “No one was on duty then and that’s when most of the crime takes place.” He took the need to the judge, and ultimately the court approved his request. “I have already seen a break in crime,” Shores concluded.
Most recently, Scott County hired its first female deputy. Former Sheriff Cody Carpenter’s sister, Kandis Carpenter, joined the department six months ago. “Her heart is here, and she wants to stay here,” stated Shores.
He balances the duties of the office very well. “We do random patrols throughout the whole county, we don’t have a set pattern,” he explained. Adding that “We’ve made some progress on the drug problem, which is a never ending battle.” That effort has led to 120k in drug monies being turned over to the Drug Task Force.
Another aspect of the job is managing public relations and the media, being a manager and administrator. “There is so much to this job,” Shores explained. “Its hard to list everything we do.” He doesn’t deny, however, that it helps to have a good working relationship with other departments like Waldron City Police, Mansfield Police Department and judge. “It helped us a lot when we deputized the city officers. That way if we are working something here, they can take the call.” Additionally, Shores stated that the agreement with Mansfield Police Department to assist them has also been very beneficial.
Shores maintains an open door policy, stating that “if someone wants to see me, I will see them.”
Supporting him is his wife of 40 years, Diane. He has one daughter, Katrina Shores future son-in-law Myron Kirk and two grandkids, Shelby and Ryan. He is involved with the youth of Scott County, including the FFA program, rodeo and Boys and Girls Club.
“I want to make Scott County a better and safer place to live,” stated Shores. “I thank the voters for putting their confidence in me and would appreciate their vote again.”

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Tammy Teague
Tammy Teague
Tammy is the heart behind the brand. Her tenacity to curate authentic journalism, supported by a genuine heart is one her many wholesome qualities.
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